Grumpman: Gee i hope the Bombers pump Carlton today.
iZander: need hibberd and simpson to have big games! 100+ please 😀
Jair: Come on Cripps I’ve kept the faith
Costanza: not many, if any, Blues goalkickers
happytimes: The Blues train starts today
Crowls: hope the bombers pump carlton every time they play
happytimes: 99 preliminary final. Top 5 days ever
snake_p: yes Jair Malted Milkhouse play him in the middle for shits sake
AngryRyno: carn blues
AngryRyno: cripps to ton up today
whoislids1: no more of those shit free kicks against Belly please ump
Pokerface: has walker been forward or back?
Dangermaus: tagging Hibberd??? when u have guys like Heppell, Watson, and Goddard running free
AngryRyno: picking wood could be a master stroke, then again….
Koss: Geez nanny umpire
Kenny27: enjoy the break Yarran
Pokerface: noone seen where walker is playing?
AngryRyno: no ones seen walker as he hasnt had a touch
meka100: Goodard you could try and get near it
Pokerface: lol ryno
Jair: Did anyoneone else notice there were 7 Jacks playing last night?
Koss: Damn not a good hit from Yarran
TopHeavy: Chappy v Yarran. Love it!
Cummo3: Yarran ufc
eski_liddr: yarran is weak as pss…dog act
Jair: The ghost who Walkers
eski_liddr: dad taught me if ur gnna hit a bloke at least make it count haha
a1trader: how many weeks for Yarran? 4?
JRedden: this is gonna be a really low scoring fantasy game
Jair: Watson has the carrot lock, I hate the carrot lock:(
Jair: Every SC game has the same points I think
Heater: Hibberd & Goddard – come on!!
AngryRyno: carrot too slow since coming back from injury, i wouldnt stress if you have watson
wolfheart: Docherty is rapidly becoming one of my boys. Gonna have to trade him in soon.
Pokerface: he can’t be your boy if you don’t already have him!
wolfheart: Sure he can
Costanza: Everitt running straight at goal and snaps it lol
snake_p: get selfish cripps have a shot!
eski_liddr: awful skill errors
SaintsMan: R.I.P Chris Judd Users
AngryRyno: judd fans will be spewing
AngryRyno: good news considering i have fox footy this week
Heater: Enough of the handballs Cripps – kick it I say!
snake_p: -3 Daniher for a shocking moustaka
Dangermaus: ffs Hibberd… you are killing me !
Yelse: boys if you have two emergencies which one counts?
whoislids1: Cripps looking like a regular Daniel Cross
eski_liddr: lowest score
Costanza: how long b4 Henderson goes back
Heater: In the foetal position over Hibberd!
Dangermaus: the lowest scoring one Yelse
AngryRyno: Cripps will handball all day, just gotta hope the ball misses the other hand and lands on the boot!
iZander: i am in big fantasy trouble with this game…
Pokerface: hendo has to stay forward.. they have noone else
Jair: In SC the lowest scoring emergency counts
Dangermaus: I got Oxley on the bench with 90pts and Hibberd on the field picking Daisies… fmdt
carlton_99: good goal umpire
eski_liddr: whos been subbed?
snake_p: chappy concussion sub
Heater: I feel your pain, Dangermaus…!!
jddd: chapman concussion
Pokerface: chappy concussion sub eski
Costanza: Chap concussed – ploy to shaft Yarren
TopHeavy: Chappy off?
eski_liddr: thanks not looking good for yarran.. dog act
Pokerface: yarran shafted himself
LuvIt74: I feel for those who traded out Cripps to Van Erlo
gigo: Can Hibberd break the tag?
Dangermaus: Cripps has to earn his way back onto my field… he’s benched until further notice
AngryRyno: got both, and it shall stay that way
carlton_99: how is simpson on 13 and cripps on 30 in sc
iZander: no gigo, expect 60 max….ive got him too 🙁
Torpedo10: Cripps mate…I’ll take 90 max on the bench.
wolfheart: Watson – 10 posies with a carrot up his date. Not bad.
eski_liddr: watson ga?
iZander: anyone know dochertys BE for dream team?
Costanza: zakkattack
eski_liddr: why does goddard always try push for the run of the ball rather than marking the thing
iZander: why did carrots move off watson? was heppel more damaging or could he just not keep up 😉
Harmes37: can NE1 explain what yarran did please?
whoislids1: left hook to chappy’s face. split his eyebrow open
eski_liddr: @Harmes37 – took a lil hook to chappys eyebrow
Costanza: Yarren pissy roundhouse right to Chappy’s scone
wolfheart: If he can’t keep up with Jobe good luck with the Hepcat
iZander: so he’s gone for a while then?
Cyberdyne: chappy was racist to yarran
casey22: Just tuned in. Yarren for 4 weeks?
eski_liddr: Cyberdyne – bogus info will get you banned mate.
Cyberdyne: the truth will be revealed
wolfheart: Watson very busy. You go boy.
Costanza: racist? they’re both Aussies
eski_liddr: save the rumors for theage with your mate carro
iZander: cyberdynes probably right lmfao, thats there standard excuse
crazyet23: pmsl@eski
Pokerface: i think that was after yarran called him cue ball
Harmes37: Thanks for the info guys
carlton_99: wat was that free for
Harmes37: Karma finally caught up to chappy…He has dropped a few over the years
AntoRyan14: Who’s ashby on for
Costanza: terrible skills all round
jfitty: Crab for Goddard
whoislids1: Umpball!
wolfheart: Howler has been a trooper for the bombers for a long time now. Underrated player.
Pokerface: TBC you are on thin ice
Dangermaus: thankyou for waking up Hibberd, everytime i watch the other game, I come back and you’re doing better
Cyberdyne: stanton gone missing this qr
eski_liddr: Dangermaus – plz dont watch this game relying on u
eski_liddr: watson is off the leash and hepp has the carrot
Costanza: always handy having 2 Brownlow medallists
poolboybob: Simpson get more involved you crab
gdshifty: get a kick doch
wolfheart: Will the bombers wilt again this game? Or have they met their match in that dept?
eski_liddr: @wolfheart – if they decide to play to the level they did last week they would be 10+ goals infront
Dangermaus: Gibbs has been Mr Consistent this year, hasn’t he
eski_liddr: im off gents enjoy the game 🙂
wolfheart: Gibbered? Lol
Ben_Gogos: Sorry fellas, damn autocorrect
wolfheart: At least Carlton are consistent. Keep pace for a qtr before folding like a deck chair.
Dangermaus: Jobe may haye to feature in future plans after the Bye rounds i think
SaintsMan: who hot subbed off for bombers
iZander: really need simpson to put the cape on this quarter
Dangermaus: nobody Saintsman, it was the concussion sub for Chappy
Costanza: Carrozzo up Zakka, go Hepp
Costanza: now back to Hepp damn
theKid: Why is melky tagging 😐 Wont be getting the same scores this week!
Ben_Gogos: Carrots to Jobe to Hep back to Jobe lol
iZander: are you sure carrots is tagging? you sure he’s not just playing in the mid and you guys assuming he’s tagging
Jwow: he needs to take heppell, far more damaging on the outside. Jobe too strong inside for a tag
whoislids1: yay Belly!
whoislids1: Oh you fucking spud
Costanza: well he’s chasing tail not to space
iZander: id tag stanton based on susceptibility to a tag
Ben_Gogos: Bellchambers receives the first muppet after that effort at goal
Kenny27: BellChump!
Jwow: yep, can’t handle it @Zander
Ben_Gogos: iZander he’s definitely tagging mate
ballbag: lol cripps no points for half an hour. weak flog. carltons future
Jwow: Why is the saturday game always delayed in VIC?
Ben_Gogos: He’s continually going to the mid that had the best last Q
Costanza: Murph should vest his captaincy
iZander: ok haha, not very well though id suspect 😀
poolboybob: Cripps magnifying glass
iZander: cmon simpson 60 more points!
whoislids1: cowards act Gibbs
Ben_Gogos: Cripps going along okay for a 70+
Torpedo10: Gibbs being the bully he is
tezzer_j: Masterstroke of Carlton to pick up jones. Brilliant direction
Escapist: what did gibbs do?
Jwow: Jobe is a lock every year
Costanza: powerful fwd line
poolboybob: Zero contested possessions for Simpson, well done mate
SaintsMan: K Simpson looking after his hair.
whoislids1: Gibbs elbowed Goddard in the eye really late after Goddard kicked the ball
iZander: i guess thats a good thing, i wouldn’t want anyone in my dt with messy hair
SaintsMan: lol
ballbag: afraid of the ball cripps
whoislids1: Jab Watson winding back the clock
carlton_99: r u bloody serious umpire
iZander: who was subbed for canton?
poolboybob: Just give Jobe the gold star now, this one’s over
Ben_Gogos: Curnow was subbed
DanBlack: Does Jobe get the Hulk?
Harmes37: Needles to say the bombers will win this one
Harmes37: *Needless…
frenzy: Lol @ Harmes37
Torz: Big junk quarter please Melky.
spudaroos: Is there a more overrated mid than Murphy? Judd is 60 yet he still cops a tag over that spud.
happytimes: Cotchin is more overrated than Murphy
Costanza: come on Hepp
woofy: watson vc or jpk? sc
Torpedo10: Scores frozen?
frenzy: release the handbrake ben-gogos
iZander: how long do you reckon cooney will be out?
Jwow: I’m with ya @spudaroos. Jobe brownlow chance? Mr consistency
tezzer_j: Got HD this year, I can see even more
tezzer_j: Clearly how bad Carlton are.
Ben_Gogos: @frenzy I don’t control the stats updates mate
Harmes37: AFL site stopped also
p_terg: All stats pages obviously depend on the AFL- no current scores anywhere
m0nty: yay!
jddd: now theyre back
DanBlack: What happened to Zaka this qtr? hasn’t touch it
Pavalinco: Watson still get the star if bombers lose? Gone early again Monty.
m0nty: Don’t tell me the Blues are actually a chance…
Torpedo10: Hibbo has gone and died in a hole….Needed 100 from him
snake_p: cripps coming home with a wet sail
p_terg: Nothing will surprise me this year m0nty!
Costanza: dose of Heppalottus please
Ben_Gogos: My decision @Pavalinco
Costanza: junk it Bombers
SaintsMan: k simpson, sc????
poolboybob: Simpson rubbish bin
Wingard001: All Over
Wingard001: What a kick Ellard
rickyb80: no chance
Costanza: bring on the Pies
p_terg: I’m calling it for the Bombers. As much as that hurts, but I knew it would happen
Dangermaus: Simpson trash can for sure !
carlton_99: these
p_terg: Game over
carlton_99: these
carlton_99: these umpires scores are rubbish
carlton_99: these umps have been ridiculous
Grumpman: nice one bombers
Dangermaus: hibberd done sweet-f-a since half time