Bazza2014: North by 50.
Ben_Gogos: North by 78
iZander: brisbane by 22
Paga: brisbane by 21
man0005: brisbane by 20
MattyZ: brisbane by 5
MattyZ: 78? jeez
AngryRyno: its either roos switched on and big win, or roos switched off and lions sneak across the line
Wingard001: North by 32
AngryRyno: you lot seen the roos banner?
Paga: nope
AngryRyno: looks like a bedroom curtain hanging from an inflatable hot dog
Wingard001: wow Brisbane
Paga: thompson update?
Wingard001: Lift Zorko cmon mate
abbarulz94: What’s atley’s role?
Wingard001: ah god my opponent has Redden
Paul105: Beams lift ffs!!!
AngryRyno: good lift from zorko, now its just rich
collpies11: Rich lift!!!!!
theKid: where on earth is atley playing!
Ben_Gogos: Beams been disappointing early this year
Ben_Gogos: Finding a lot of it but not doing much with it
Brown*Dog: Nice work goldy, rich into the Midfield after half time, no sweet
colin wood: Scott Thompson is on 9 after 1 handball?? Bahaha SC lol
colin wood: beams still on 26Sc…
SaintsMan: leueneburger sc?!?
colin wood: the berger is on 10sc
wadaramus: ‘berger 12sc.
Wingard001: Zorko, lift mate i need a big one from you
Wingard001: Adcock is a class DT buy
3rdstriker: firrito his usual dirty self
AngryRyno: adcock ends up injured each year, not worth the risk
Wingard001: @AngryRyno Yeah, it is always a risk, but he always puts in decent scores even when injured
AngryRyno: any lions had a touch since quarter time?
korza: Beams sucker punch of the year
Wingard001: and Adcock has been terrible this quater
Burnsyy: Any info on S.Thompson? Will he be back on or not?
Wingard001: Is Zorko Alive? For god sake
Ben_Gogos: Still a shock I said 78 Matty? 😉
Dangermaus: Goldstein slow down, i’ll never be able to afford you at this rate
iZander: 78 might of been too low ben hahaha
MattyZ: hahahah looking like a good call benny too bad about the hawks though 😉
iZander: picked goldy in AF at the start of the year, i admit i wasn’t confident in the decision but I’m happy now
abbarulz94: Is Beams getting tagged because I am hearing otherwise?
DirtyDawn: Evening ladies and gents
ballbag: im dirty dawn. no im filthy coz the hawks cost me $$
Ben_Gogos: Wells just continues my slow start
DirtyDawn: Rage trade imminent. Seeya later Beams
ballbag: @gogo feel ya pain. i had goodes 10 with oxley my bench but didnt know goodes was sub
YoungGun: why was wells subbed?
ballbag: rexy prob said ‘coz he’s not a well man’
Dangermaus: clearly Rockliff is the heart and soul of the Lions
Dangermaus: traded Wells for Swannie this week, at least that’s one thing that worked out for me
ballbag: sen just said wells did achilles or ankle
Dangermaus: Leuenberger is poo… might be my first official upgrade
Dangermaus: ok Lions, any time you’re ready to kick the next 10 goals, go for it
ballbag: and NDS is on the violi n coz he done his string
Paga: who else rage trading out ablett for fyfe, the brownlow is fyfes to loose!
iZander: who’s BOG atm?
Kenny27: the grass isnt any more green beams haha
morgs640: Beams must go in Fantasy
ballbag: gaj could be going for bonts, a blow smokey in that team
Dangermaus: Needed Leue to make some cash so I could upgrade him to Goldie… but goldie might make more and be out of reach
morgs640: Got Goldstein 🙂
Kenny27: any1 know what Goldy is on atm
ballbag: *b/low
Paga: nic nat and jacobs for me!
Dangermaus: haha, Cats will be bottom of the ladder after North win
Paga: crows at the top….
masterdead: Can we justify keeping ablett?
Dangermaus: gotta get some of these spud lions out of my team
Dangermaus: Ablett is severely underdone… needs a few weeks off to come back at 100%
Paga: anyone seen zorko?
ballbag: goldy gotta be heading for 1fitty
masterdead: that is what I reckon too. A month will do him fine
Sydney14: ffs Beams, do something
ballbag: that stench in my mids is you beamsy
Scratchy: Need an amazing quarter from Beams here.
SaintsMan: don’t think your gonna get it scratchy
Rockafella: Dawn you there?
Burnsyy: North are looking good tbh!
Tim Tam: Beams and Leuey vs Goldy +72….. and I thought I had a chance…
Scratchy: agreed. i would take 25 points happily. my first round pick in draft
luked98: gotta bring goldy into the team
kangawalla: Anyone know how to get all the icons back such as spuds, muppets, guns etc. All I get now are flames. I have Galaxy tab
LuvIt74: @Tim Tam are u playing supercoach or dreamteam?
casey22: Cant believe Beams score!!!!!!
SaintsMan: burger what a let down, 300k on air
LuvIt74: yeah beams only 55sc
Tim Tam: SC…. had goodes on the field and oxley and saad on the bench… one of those weeks
SaintsMan: livid whats higgins and leuenburger on in sc
LuvIt74: Timtam i presume u dont have Goldy + the 72 right?
LuvIt74: Timtam why didn’t you have them as emergency?
Kenny27: Goldy you bloody Jet!!
LuvIt74: @saints Higgo 72 & Luey 24
Tim Tam: i did… but goodes played as sub and game already started by the time i got on
LuvIt74: Goldy on 131sc
pies21: need 251 from goldy+higgins any chance? lol
LuvIt74: TimTam if u can always go on the AFL site & check l8 changes to each game.
LuvIt74: I had Goodes on also but as soon as i seen he was the SUB i put Saad on and took goodes off.
ballbag: @pies yes in SC
a1trader: Luey can’t even outscore Beams he’s going that bad
Tim Tam: lol most of us on here have played for years, I just needed somewhere to vent it out
pies21: @ballbag yeh in sc, man im so stressed lol
LuvIt74: @pies yeah there on 222 sc now
SaintsMan: daniel rich, sc??
LuvIt74: rich on 99sc
ballbag: i bet your opp is more stressed LOL
Karlpov: cunnington deserves a giant bin
TheLegend6: If Leuy scored 45 i would have won my SC game haha :/ what SC is he on?
LuvIt74: It’ll be close as Goldy is on 137 & Higgins 87
Kenny27: you got robbed there that was a free to Goldy lol
Jair: Wow Waite isnt a spud for once
Fernyys: Jack Ziebell SC anyone?
Bazza2014: goldy sc?
SaintsMan: christenson sc
a1trader: what is Goldstein on? I want some
wadaramus: Come on Goldy and Rich, put the cherries on it!
Karlpov: Goldy permanent star for NM. Most important player.
LuvIt74: @pies only 14 points away m8
LuvIt74: goldy on 143
LuvIt74: christenson on 67
pies21: cmonnnnn!! thanks for the update luvit74
Bazza2014: ty
LuvIt74: pies 11 short but thats prior to updates
SaintsMan: cheers mate
Kenny27: Well played Goldy upgrade to 150 i wouldve thought
goldenleaf: goldy best ruckman in game atm
a1trader: Bye bye Luey, you will never be in my team again
pies21: yeh… dont think theyl get boosted that much :/ ah well still intense haha
LuvIt74: Goldy 155 & Higo 95 u shuld get it
LuvIt74: U only need 1 point you’ll get it i think
LuvIt74: damn just missed
wadaramus: Goldy is a monster!!
pies21: 🙁 if only if only
pies21: still good effort by the 2
wadaramus: Goldy 151sc with 74 points still to allocate.
LuvIt74: pies u got it 253 m8