Blog log

Blog log from R14 of 2023: Western Sydney vs Fremantle

Blog log for Western Sydney vs Fremantle, R14 of 2023

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Keeffe provides link work, Lloyd marks in the pocket and centres for Greene to mark 30m out on a slight angle. The Tractor drags through the opening goal of the day. (Q1 4:25)
Jackson grabs the ball out of ruck near the hotspot and gives to Serong who blazes OOTF off a step. (Q1 6:54)
Brown marks an O’Halloran short pass in front of Hughes 35m out in front on the end of a quick rebound through midfield. His set shot is a shank, right and OOTF. (Q1 11:25)
Roccardi hoofs a long set shot for his first goal from 40m on the flank in impressive style, after marking a pass by Coniglio. Orange tsunami is in operation early. (Q1 13:05)
Lloyd roves a Cadman contest at the hotspot and reefs out a handball to Coniglio who baulks and shoots wide off his left. (Q1 15:23)
Riccardi lays an excellent tackle on Young to win a HTB free 45m out in front, good technique there. He bangs through goal number two, another pretty set shot. (Q1 17:35)
Amiss goes back with the flight to mark a Switkowski pass from the centre to the flank 40m out. They call him Nev for a reason… but his kick is short and rebounded. (Q1 19:46)
Stuart marks a very short O’Driscoll kick 40m out on the flank, same spot as the last set shot. His kick is long enough but wide left. (Q1 21:32)
Serong roves a stoppage 20m out but his snap off the left is wide, disappointingly. (Q1 26:12)
Whitfield marks 70m out with a few seconds to QT, Johnson jitters on the mark and the ump pays 50m against him. QT siren sounds, Whitfield goals from 15m. (Q1 28:31)
Ryan rushes a Briggs snap from half forward. (Q2 0:19)
Taylor comes from the side to smother a Banfield kick from the square on a fast play that looked a certain goal. (Q2 1:22)
Jackson roves his own contest to the kick in, Serong spots up Switkowski 40m out on a slight angle, kick lands on the behind line and spoiled back in, Walters roves and goals! (Q2 2:02)
Ah but there’s a review to see if the ball crossed the behind line, it’s touch and go… soft call was a goal and it stands. (Q2 3:37)
Ryan holds the arm of Greene at a stoppage 15m out, ump sees it and pays the free for the goal. (Q2 7:02)
Haynes is pinged for an arm chop on Sturt going for an Amiss spot up kick on a lead up the guts to 45m. The set shot is a shank way right, lucky to score. (Q2 9:31)
Fyfe leaves Himmelberg and Buckley sprawling on the turf with a specky 40m out on the flank, Himmelberg gobs off at the ump to give away 50m and ensure the goal. (Q2 14:03)
Kelly feeds Riccardi who snaps across the face from 30m on a slight angle. (Q2 14:59)
Bedford marks in the centre, baulks around Brayshaw and passes to Lloyd 25m out on the flank, who sails it through with no problem. (Q2 16:18)
Sturt marks a short Switkowski pass 35m out on a slight angle after the next bounce. Now comes the hard part for young Sturt… lovely straight left-foot drop punt. (Q2 18:43)
Keeffe roves near the behind post, looks inside for a give then goes himself off the right… just narrow. (Q2 20:23)
Haynes intercepts a Serong snap on the last line to start a rebound around outer wing, Kelly jets to the HFF and strokes through a lovely snap from 50m. (Q2 26:59)
Greene roves Cox’s dropped mark and runs into the open goal after Briggs catches Fyfe HTB at the next bounce. (Q2 28:53)
Greene passes short to Riccardi 25m out in the pocket on the end of a flowing move by hand through the corridor by GWS. This set shot is poor, though. (Q3 7:23)
Greene chips in front of Lloyd to mark a high centring ball by Haynes from the wing to 45m on a slight angle. Put your house on that one, four for him. (Q3 8:20)
Green gathers a clanger kick by O’Driscoll at half forward and goes short with good vision, Brown marks 40m out on the flank but misses. (Q3 10:21)
Coniglio runs to half forward and goes long over Ryan to Riccardi near the behind line for his third goal. (Q3 15:24)
Lloyd roves near the hotspot and gives outside to Greene who misses across the body. GWS in complete control here, crowd could start shouting ole. (Q3 18:11)
Brown is the latest Giant to goal after breaking through a Ryan tackle and snapping off the right boot from the hotspot, following a stoppage at CHF. (Q3 21:55)
Fyfe marks at half forward and feeds Serong who snaps the goal from 50m on a slight angle. A rarity for Fremantle today who have looked abject the longer the match has gone. (Q3 23:21)
Brown roves at half back and starts a quick slingshot with second to go to 3QT, Greene has Riccardi over the back who plays on but just kicks in time. Purple pain at maximum. (3 Qtr Time)
Ash passes to Coniglio 40m out in the corridor for the first score of Q4 junk time, which is a nick on the outside of the left goalpost. (Q4 4:03)
Brown marks in a pack just inside 50m out on a slight angle, distance not a problem and he bangs it through. (Q4 5:30)
Erasmus passes up the corridor to Brayshaw 45m out, plenty of Giants there but he gets an arm chop free on Ward and hits the post. (Q4 8:48)
Fyfe misses a short pass to Amiss at half forward, tsunami is on and it’s Riccardi who marks on the lead 30m out on the flank and shoots for five… it’s good. (Q4 12:48)
Sturt catches Whitfield HTB at the top of the square for some junk. (Q4 15:44)
Kelly passes to Bedford 45m out on a slight angle, he hasn’t joined the party yet and he shanks the set shot for no score. (Q4 18:13)
Riccardi marks 50m out on the flank but chooses a short pass to the pocket for Kelly 35m out, he sends through his second major. (Q4 20:49)
Ryan is pinged for insufficient intent, Callaghan hits the square from 40m, Brown roves and feeds Kelly for his third. (Q4 22:47)
Ward is pinged for high contact on Schultz who slipped as he tried to baulk past 45m out in front, unlucky but there. Schultz misses to the left. (Q4 25:04)
Kelly roves a stoppage at half forward and gives to Lloyd who passes across the corridor, Brown marks 40m out in front but hits the right goalpost. (Q4 27:04)
Lloyd marks a short O’Halloran kick to 40m in front, Hughes playing too far off him in transition. The set shot is wide left in the last minute. (Q4 29:19)

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