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Blog log from R11 of 2023: St Kilda vs Hawthorn

Blog log for St Kilda vs Hawthorn, R11 of 2023

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Sinclair flattens Mackenzie in the centre but the Hawks swarm the spillage, Koschitzke marks Newcombe’s pass on the HFF and goes to Breust in the pocket, he hits the post from 25m.
Newcombe baulks through Hill’s challenge on outer wing and kicks to the fat side for Moore 45m out on a slight angle, who also misses.
Gresham marks 25m out on the boundary but his screwing set shot doesn’t curl, across the face. (Q1 5:48)
Worpel plays on to advantage from a free at a stoppage on the wing, Moore places a low pass to the sliding Lewis 45m out near the boundary, the set shot is a peach, first goal! (Q1 8:03)
Marshall tumbles the next clearance towards CHF, King gathers and turns lugubriously ahead of Blanck for a snap across the body from 45m… lands in the square, Hardwick rushes. (Q1 9:50)
Marshall intercepts in defence, the Saints go slow initially then long up the guts, Ross goes over two Hawks to Wood 40m out on a slight angle, he boots the first Saints major. (Q1 14:18)
Blanck is pinged for contact on King 60m out after the next bounce, then 50 for some afters, then another 50 for some more afters, charity goal Sainters. (Q1 16:35)
Wood’s block allows King to mark a Steele pass in front of Frost 35m out on the flank, his set shot is a beautiful drop punt, two for him on the bounce. (Q1 18:18)
Meek beats Howard to mark a Breust high ball 40m out on the flank, his set shot is across the face for no score. (Q1 23:23)
Mackenzie does a one-two with Meek on a rebound around outer wing, bounces and kicks over the Saint defence to Breust in the pocket 20m out for his first goal. (Q1 26:33)
Newcombe gets a holding free on Gresham at the first bounce of Q2, long ball to the pocket clears the pack and pitches for Breust to rove, turn ahead of Wilkie and snap truly. (Q2 1:11)
Brockman gathers on the HFF after a rebound switch started by Sicily and goes to the pocket for Lewis to mark 20m out, he shanks it for a rushed behind. (Q2 2:11)
The Saints work the ball from members wing to outer side, Howard bullets a pass to Higgins leading in front of Hardwick to 45m on a slight angle. His set shot is a shank OOTF. (Q2 3:08)
Breust misses a snap from a stoppage 20m out on a slight angle. (Q2 5:14)
Clark, who has a small mattress on his left knee after an early knock, misses a snap from the HFF. (Q2 6:26)
Reeves engineers a clearance out the front of a ball up on members wing, Worpel’s tumbling inside 50 to the hotspot is onto the chest of Lewis who boots goal number two. (Q2 7:46)
Higgins roves a dropped intercept by Frost in the pocket but his roller turns too early for a point from 20m. (Q2 9:28)
Worpel’s forward handball ahead of a pack at half forward sets up Moore but he fluffs it under pressure from 25m with a man calling for a give over the top in the square. (Q2 10:36)
Sicily intercepts Sinclair’s rebound kick on the wing, repeat inside 50 to Koschitzke 25m out on the flank who sprays the set shot right. (Q2 11:26)
Dan Butler is favoured by a lucky bounce on a fast break but he misses Higgins who would have run into an open goal, Hawks swarm to prevent a slingshot score. (Q2 13:10)
Koschitzke marks a long, lovely Sicily pass to the pocket over Battle 25m out, but his checkside is narrow. (Q2 14:06)
Dan Butler roves near the hotspot but his left-foot snap is off the hands of Day for a point, confirmed on review. (Q2 22:03)
Paton roves Sicily’s long kick in to the centre and spots up Phillipou just outside true CHF. The kid goes back from the set shot and roosts a huge goal! (Q2 23:22)
Impey kicks a wobbler to the pocket for Breust to mark after the Hawks win the next centre clearance, the set shot is a shank towards the hotspot, then Moore shanks OOTF as well. (Q2 25:33)
Frost smashes Sam Butler to give away an obvious contact free 40m out on the flank, Butler levels the scores with half a minute to go before HT with that goal. (Q2 28:02)
Hawthorn have won just about every aspect of the game in the first half except putting it on the scoreboard, smashing St Kilda in contested and clearances especially. (Q2 28:57)
Day is pinged for late contact on Crouch kicking to the flank 45m out, Higgins gets the downfield free, kicks falls in the square, crumbed by Marshall who feeds King for the goal! (Q3 0:59)
Wanganeen-Milera passes from the wing over Mitchell to Sharman 45m out on a slight angle, kick to the opposite pocket where King takes a pack grab 15m out and goals! (Q3 2:39)
Sicily bombs from the HFF after marking a very short Brockman pass but it’s narrow. (Q3 5:14)
Steele passes to Caminiti near the boundary 45m out, his kick lands in the square and is rebounded by Bramble. (Q3 6:29)
Branble baulks Hill on the HFF and goes up the wing, Koschitzke marks and sets Sam Butler off to bomb to the square for Brockman to mark and waltz into goal. (Q3 8:04)
Moore kicks long from 50m on a slight angle, the ball pitches near the contest in the square and into the left goalpost. (Q3 9:19)
Frost turns the ball over by foot at half back, Hill taps to Battle who checksides OOTF from 30m on the flank. (Q3 10:46)
Sam Butler roves at half forward and feeds Amon who passes to Lewis 30m out in the pocket, he misses near side left. (Q3 12:19)
Impey is pinged for insufficient intent in a battle with Byrnes near the behind post, he converts in the modern professional way. (Q3 13:18)
Macdonald is just off the subs bench and sharks a Wood handball at half forward, Hawks handball around the arc and Impey snaps a nice finish from true CHF. (Q3 20:16)
Long ball up the guts by Marshall clears the pack at the Saints hotspot, Caminiti and then Sicily miss it, then it sits up for Crouch to volley home. (Q3 21:27)
Sam Butler snaps his first goal from the hotspot after Day bombs forward for Meek to rove and feed forward by hand. (Q3 25:35)
Dan Butler roves a speculator towards the hotspot and gives outside to Higgins, his snap lands in the square for Caminiti to mark going back with the flight to pinch the goal. (Q3 26:43)
Dan Butler’s clearance from a ball up on the HFF favours Sharman to mark in front of Sicily at the hotspot, he converts. (Q3 29:40)
Nash receives from Worpel for a snap on the turn from 20m that goes wide left under not much pressure. Hawks have just about kicked themselves out of this game. (Q3 31:38)
Mitchell is pinged for an arm chop on Dan Butler 20m out going for a centring ball by Ross, he kicks truly to push the lead out to just about a winning amount. (Q4 1:36)
Hawthorn’s goals have not been easy today but finally they get a Joe the Goose after Nash releases Day to burst from the centre bounce, Breust feeds Lewis for his third. (Q4 3:18)
King gives backwards to Gresham who snaps off a step from 50m on the flank… OOTF. He has had a very quiet day. (Q4 4:44)
Sicily burns the footy by foot at half back with Wood picking him off, Sinclair passes to Dan Butler 30m o=out on a slight angle, who misses. (Q4 5:38)
Mitchell gives to Impey who gets around a man and shoots from 45m on the flank… wide right. (Q4 6:31)
Lewis marks 50m out on a slight angle and just misses right. Hawks just have not converted well today. (Q4 13:17)
Dan Butler has Higgins over the back for a simple goal but Higgins fluffs the easy mark, Sicily arrives late to rush. (Q4 16:59)
Nash marks over Webster on the HFF, keeps his feet after the contest and goes quick and long to the square for Macdonald to mark over Stocker for the goal. (Q4 18:40)
Hawks only two kicks behind with 5:20 to play, still doable but they have not really looked like winners today despite having most of the play. (Q4 19:37)
Impey intercepts Byrnes’ dump kick at half forward and goes long to the pocket over Stocker for Moore who plays on and snaps the goal from 15m! (Q4 23:12)
3:12 to go and the Hawks are now down a couple of points. Stewards counting their interchanges with great interest. (Q4 23:12)
After a rebound switch started by Sicily, Moore passes to Koschitzke to mark in front of Battle 40m out on a slight angle. Kosi for the lead… straight through! (Q4 25:37)
1:24 to go and the Hawks are in front. The highly unlikely has happened! Can it last? (Q4 25:37)
Gresham’s centre clearance is a shank, Sicily mops up and goes to the wing, ball in with 1:06 to go. (Q4 26:32)
Worpel clears high to the HFF, Breust marks in front of Byrnes 40m out on a slight angle, he kicks truly, Hawks have pinched this game! (Q4 27:19)

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