Kennedy breaks a Rioli tackle at a stoppage 40m out on the flank but runs into a Shiels tackle, paid HTB. Shiels hits the post. (Q1 1:15)
Spangher gets back in the hole to spoil a Franklin contest at the top of the square, the Swans handball around but can’t get a player free for the shot, no score results. (Q1 3:14)
Puopolo’s wonky kick from the wing goes straight to Malceski who rebounds to Kennedy, he bombs from 60m on a slight angle to the square… Tippett watches it sail through! (Q1 5:15)
Rampe tackles Gunston in the pocket 20m out and falls into his back. Gunston misses. (Q1 7:37)
Franklin marks at 55m on the flank, leading in front of Spangher who made him earn it. Buddy misses. (Q1 8:45)
Goodes marks on the HFF after a Gibson clanger on the wing, he gives to Hannebery streaming past but Hanners misses from 40m. (Q1 9:22)
Hill is corralled by Jetta on the wing, but thinks it through and goes to Suckling who finds Puopolo at 40m on the flank. Poppy goals. (Q1 10:30)
Franklin leaps in front of Lake and is paid a mark from a Lloyd ball to 35m on a slight angle, though he dropped it. He goals, despite a knock to the right shoulder. (Q1 13:28)
Burgoyne gets the centre clearance kick and finds Breust at 45m on the flank. Breust goals. Simple game really! (Q1 14:30)
Grundy is in the hole in front of Roughead to cut off a rather slow ball 25m out on the flank but inexplicably punches to the hotspot where Hill gathers and goals with ease. (Q1 17:45)
The Hawks handball through the centre ending with Shiels passing up the guts to Gunston who juggles and marks in front of Rampe 40m out. Gunston shanks it way left. (Q1 20:10)
Gunston spoils Hannebery in the goalsquare, butters up and bangs it through! (Q1 21:45)
Correction it was a Hannebery backpass to Grundy. (Q1 22:36)
Franklin dives backwards and marks a Goodes centre clearance behind Lake at 20m deep in the left pocket. He misses. (Q1 23:18)
Hannebery’s rebound kick to the HBF goes to ground, Hawks swarm, Rioli gives to Gunston whose left foot snap from 30m on the flank is narrow. (Q1 24:19)
Spangher spoils a Shaw rebound kick on the HFF and gives to Langford who passes down the flank to Hodge who dives and marks 25m out. Hodge misses. (Q1 25:30)
Ground ball on the HFF for the Hawks, McEvoy gets a lucky bounce on Jetta and gives to Smith, high ball to the top of the square, Puopolo forces the spillage… Langford goals! (Q1 28:45)
The pressure in the front half in particular by Hawthorn has been outstanding. They aren’t kicking particularly well but 20 points is a fair lead at QT. (Qtr Time)
The pressure on the Swan ballcarrier is immense, leading to a bit of panic by Sydney trying to rebound. Repeat inside 50s are piling up for the Hawks. (Qtr Time)
19-7 inside 50s and 22-7 tackles are the key teams stats at QT to underline the Hawthorn dominance. (Qtr Time)
Gibson spoils Franklin on the HBF but the spill goes to the Swans who have the overlap through midfield, Jack gives to McGlynn who bounces through a goal from 55m in front. (Q2 1:11)
Gunston gathers on the HFF and centres to McEvoy at 40m on a slight angle. Big Boy misses. (Q2 2:26)
Birchall goes very short to Mitchell on the wing, Reid tackles him despite the ump blowing for a mark, 50m puts him 40m out on a slight angle. Mitch misses. (Q2 4:26)
Breust chases a ground ball from a Langford inside 50 at 35m out on a slight angle, Rampe’s knee catches him in the head. Breust gets up gingerly, and goals. (Q2 5:56)
Birchall hits Mitchell on the lead in front of Jack at 45m in front, he passes to Hale just outside the hotspot in front of Grundy. Hale goals. (Q2 8:41)
The Hawks flip the ball through traffic after the next centre bounce, Birchall’s clearance goes to Hodge at CHF, he gives to Langford speeding ahead of Hannebery… another goal! (Q2 10:41)
Roughead’s snap at a stoppage near the hotspot is smothered but it flips out to Shiels who gives to Roughie for another go, it drops short… Hodge marks and goals! (Q2 12:12)
Smith sprints down members wing and gives to Puopolo who runs around Grundy and misses from 45m on a slight angle. (Q2 15:27)
Hodge intercepts the kick in at the hotspot and bangs through his second goal of Q2! (Q2 15:41)
Rohan was the culprit. (Q2 15:41)
The Swans lock it in for once, Jack centres from the pocket to 20m on a slight angle where it falls into the hands of Goodes. He goals, just. (Q2 17:56)
Lake falls over as the ball in kicked to him in the back pocket, Jack roves but Lakew recovers to mow him down and win the HTB free to prevent a certain goal. (Q2 24:12)
Kennedy plays on to advantage from a free at a stoppage on the HFF, he goes long to the square, Franklin bullocks Lake out of the way and avoids Gibson to juggle, mark and goal. (Q2 25:09)
Rohan tackles Puopolo over the behind line to force a point. (Q2 26:57)
Rioli taps a Tippett handball on the HFF to McEvoy who gives back to him, the pass goes to Roughead at 35m on the flank. Roughie kicks straight this time. (Q2 28:02)
A ten minute burst there from 6:00 to 16:00 to go where the Hawks busted this game wide open with five unanswered goals. It was due reward for magnificent pressure on every Swan. (Half Time)
The Hawks are known for precision kicking but it’s been the quick, precise handballing today which has been the highlight. Only 5 Hawks under 70% disposal efficiency. (Half Time)
McEvoy has been immense, Hale too. For two sides with such poor ruck numbers during the year, it’s funny how much influence the rucks are having today. (Half Time)
Mitchell is front and centre for a big pack at 25m on the flank, he gives inside to Roughead whose quick left foot snap is just across the face. (Q3 3:29)
After another failed rebound by Sydney, Gunston receives from Langford on the HFF but goes inside to Roughead at 25m on a slight angle. Roughie goals. (Q3 5:44)
Birchall kicks high to the flank from the next centre bounce, Gunston leaps in front of Rampe 45m out and marks on his chest. Gunston goals, Hawks fans roar. (Q3 7:29)
Hannebery gives to Jack who snaps truly after a stoppage near the hotspot. (Q3 8:29)
Jack clears from the next centre bounce, Franklin marks in front of Gibson 45m out on a slight angle. Buddy goals. (Q3 10:59)
Stratton kicks long from the wing to Breust who marks in front of Rohan at 50m on the flank. Breust misses. (Q3 14:14)
Breust centres from the boundary to the hotspot, Puopolo contests then gets his own crumb and gives outside to Suckling… goal! One more and that’s definitely the sealer. (Q3 15:29)
After the next centre bounce, Bird hits Goodes on the lead in front of Stratton at 35m on the flank. Goodes misses, much to the delight of Hawk fans in that pocket. (Q3 15:29)
Spangher kicks long to space on the wing from the HBF for Hill to run onto, three bounces later he passes to Roughead at 30m on a slight angle. Roughie boots the sealer! (Q3 17:59)
Langford worries Kennedy out of a ground ball in the pocket, Burgoyne prevents Parker clearing, Langford roves and tries an outrageous Daicos special… and it comes off! (Q3 23:59)
McGlynn speeds away from a stoppage on the wing and goes long to the hotspot, Gunston runs back but can’t prevent Tippett marking strongly on his chest. Tippett goals. (Q3 26:15)
Franklin runs ahead of Gibson and sprays a snap from 40m on the flank. Gibson bumps him afterwards, downfield free to Tippett in the pocket. Tippett misses. (Q3 29:58)
John Longmire’s half time talk evidently didn’t do much because Sydney came out without much in the way of ideas. Hawks are 18-0 when kicking 100 points in 2014. Game over. (3 Qtr Time)
Isaac Smith passes to Breust on the boundary 35m out after the Hawks win the first centre clearance of Q4. Breust threads the needle, the celebrations begin! (Q4 0:29)
Rohan misses a snap from long range on the flank. (Q4 3:08)
Franklin crumbs his own contest at the hotspot but misses the hurried snap under Spangher pressure. (Q4 3:52)
Roughead bangs through his fourth major from a set shot 40m out on the flank. (Q4 7:52)
Goodes marks over Suckling in the pocket, plays on and goals off his left. (Q4 9:25)
Lake spoils Franklin at the hotspot but had hold of his jumper, that’s always a free kick. Buddy goals, his fourth. (Q4 12:04)
Burgoyne sails through a lovely goal from the HFF after playing on from a mark, champagne football from the Hawks at this stage. (Q4 14:33)
McEvoy is in the hole in front of Tippet but his spoil goes straight to Jack who pops through a goal from 30m on a slight angle, to general disinterest. (Q4 20:12)
Roughead gets a downfield free 40m out on a slight angle after Kennedy drops Duryea after disposal on the wing. Roughie goals, five for him. (Q4 21:47)
Hawks win another centre clearance with a string of handballs, Isaac Smith passes to Burgoyne at 35m on the flank. Junior kicks truly, the Hawks all get around him. (Q4 23:49)
Hawks stacks on Junior after that goal suggesting it’s his last game. (Q4 23:49)