BigChief: Cmon Wet Toast. Flog these guys.
BigChief: Rotham white shirt @m0nty.
TommyC: Going to be a great game
Baldfrog: How many in a row is this for tigers at the MCG
LMartos: Soldo genuine potato
BigChief: Poor kick from McGovern and even worse effort from Gaff
Dead_Ned: go Dusty!
Kaalia: Tigers got 7 in a row there to finish the season.
Dead_Ned: darling down
BigChief: Back at FF Dead_Ned
VodkaHawk: Only 2nd home game in a row
BigChief: Great work from Darling to create a goal for Rioli
duckky: Hi all … stay down houlii!!!
Baldfrog: Nice one petrol
BigChief: Hey duckky. Houli my only player in this 1.
J_Herer: Reality check here for Richmond
circle52: Is there a wind advantage favouiring Eagles
Gandhi: Really hope all of the flog media nuffs in Melbourne get a wake up today
BestCoast: Nice start good game leading to finals
Kaalia: Wind advantages are basically impossible at the MCG these days, the stands are too high. Wind swirls inside the stadium
obione05: who made rotham their captain?
BigChief: That’s a shit decision against Jack.
Sixty656: Ffs Gaff is killing me here, lift!!
StuL: Hurn beaten last week’s score already.
original: Fellas – dunkley bont or macrae for capt? Crucial as only 4 unique players this week
zoomba23: Imagine tagging Kane Lambert
BestCoast: Good contest
zoomba23: Anyone else seen the radar? Gonna be a slugfest in the second half
Lynch_MOB: it’ll piss down late mid 3rd quarter
zoomba23: Yeah big time. Looking forward to it tbh
BigChief: Both ruckmen out of GWS v Dogs game.
Tig-Train: Here it comes…
Dead_Ned: all was good for me until baker scored 20 points in about 10 minutes
Dead_Ned: 150 on the cards for dusty?
StuL: Dusty looking good for next week
SilverLion: lol are the richmond supporters booing gaff? poor form
zoomba23: Yeo is a deadset gun
Danstar: Gaff score going backwards keeps kicking it to opposition
ajconodie: Yeo has got me a GF berth. Man he is good.
StuL: God has the C on Martin and opened the heavens for the tigers
zoomba23: How tf is Grimes ok after that. Check him for drugs. That’s incredible
Tig-Train: Warrior…
BestCoast: Grimes tough as
Dead_Ned: cmon chol 50+
Tig-Train: Where are all those morons who jumped the gun In the first 1/4?
teddyt: haha it happens every week Tig Train they never learn
nbartos: Tig yeh it was something about melb media flogs too
zoomba23: 3 votes to the umps
Dead_Ned: cmon chol match baker
J_Herer: Traded Yeo to Brad Crouch dam it (thought he would tag again for a 70)
Tig-Train: J_Herer glad you came back to eat your words… reality check for tigers?
NewFreoFan: Muppet Barrass
teddyt: lol herer after seeing you say wake up call for richmond at qtr time it doesnt shock me you did that trade. Peanut
zoomba23: Herer bit harsh. Not like he’s avging 105 or anything haha
Phasir: Tigers are extremely lucky for rubbish Melb weather, T-Train
zoomba23: Muppet for Barrass
wadaramus: Cracking game,nothing wrong with wet weather!
feralmong: Eagles lucky didn’t get us in GF last year. Would never have won it.
amigaman: @NewFreoFan how did that kicking the Bombers out of the finals thing work out for you 🙂
StuL: God has changed his C to Yeo
Phasir: Tigers only 1pt up against a 21 man WCE in conditions that suit Tiger’s bad skill, lol
NewFreoFan: amigaman fair cop haha, should have known we’d suck, too many milestones of course we’d spud
feralmong: the one down only a scummy tagger anyway.
Danstar: Gaff again Backwards
Tig-Train: About time they miss a fucking goal
J_Herer: 1st quarter was a reality check, dry football Eagles dominated
zoomba23: But it’s not dry anymore is it Herer. You’re being a bit of a nuff today mate
Phasir: Eagles play anyone in dry conditions and they’ll be odds on to win. Anyone who says otherwise is a numpty
Tig-Train: Was dry in the 2nd and we came back idiot
Phasir: It was pissing down in the 2nd, TT
wadaramus: This is ridiculous!
J_Herer: lol angry Tiger hahaha
blonde0na: “tigers bad skill” don’t be salty and enjoy this ripper game
Tig-Train: No it wasn’t spastic… rewind and you will see, started in the 3rd
Phasir: Barrass for muppet of the year hahaha
teddyt: LMAO dont fall for it Tig
circle52: Yep 2 Ripper games between the Top 4 sides this weekend.
BestCoast: Tug-train calling people spastics intellectual
Phasir: Can someone ban Tig-Train from the chat? getting a bit abusive..
TommyC: Can’t tell if Phasir is taking the piss or not
feralmong: best coast been tugging too much can’t see.
zoomba23: Jesus Christ these umps
wadaramus: Have we run out of SC points, everyone going backwards!
Haydo: Easy now
amigaman: There are a few blokes on here that could do with a holiday. Same blokes spoiling chat on nearly every game.
duckky: Yep run out of SC points
Dead_Ned: lift dusty- not even 10 points in this qtr
BestCoast: No need when you have a wife like mine keep flicking your jelly bean feralmong
wadaramus: Oscar worthy!
wadaramus: What an epic game.
J_Herer: Tigers, what a win! (salty happy chat fans lol)
Tig-Train: Ohhh waaa waaa
teddyt: Never in doubt. Pretenders pulled a collingwood thought games finish at qtr time
NewFreoFan: Great game
Lynch_MOB: wheres the flog J_Herer who said it was a reality check? muppet
feralmong: Well done Tiges.
phivee: best game of footy all year
Tig-Train: Not salty fans… just love how everyone was quick to call it
Phasir: Goog game tigers, can’t say the same for the tigerfans on here though.. bit of a flog attitude tbh
Breezey: Chat for Imbeciles today.
Phasir: Pretty sure the 1st quarter should give tiges a reality check..
BigChief: WTF. How did WC lose? I fell asleep.