SaintsMan: c’mon boys
poolboybob: Oh good, my opponent this week has Kennedy
vartic: Big one today Priddis please, you owe me big time
SaintsMan: great start
AngryRyno: Nic Nat dominant early
poolboybob: Eagles should petition to play all their matches at home
123wce: we would get a 5 peat if that was the case
ryanbob: keep going nic nat, need you to smash gawns score
poolboybob: LeCras the consummate downhill skier
cusch1: Need nicnat priddis and burn to dominate…2/3 ain’t bad but need some luck
SilverLion: Lift Gresham…
Tonche: Monty, you should add a skiier icon. And like poolboy said, put it on Lecras already
eagles86: goalllllll kennnnnnedy u legend
AngryRyno: cape the entire eagles side, 50pt lead
Lecras: got kennedy priddis yeo hickey and riewoldt (c) looking not bad
poolboybob: The only week my opponent has Kennedy… eye roll
Lecras: 5 goals kennedy woooo
eagles86: kennnnnnnnnedy 5 goals u bloody legend
vartic: Honestly no better sight in the AFL than Kennedy dominating IMO
spiggs: What do you know? Flat track at Patersons, the Eagles on the bully
AngryRyno: 5 kicks, 5 goals straight!
sammyo7: Anyone ever tonned up in the 1st quarter before
eagles86: like simmo said how many teams have won away in interstate games this year
The Swert: Priddis has 10 CP but only 9 disposals :/
JockMcPie: highest ever SC score? kennedy on track
vartic: Possession and Disposal are different things Swert
Jukes82: nicnat 0% effiency but 37sc lol
eagles86: u have to be bullies thats what footy all bout win at best of ur abilities u cant just stop playing cause ur winning
Fletch91: Priddis going nuts. 9 Possessions, 10 Contested
SilverLion: @eagles86 helps if you could back it up against top 8 sides though.
AngryRyno: Nic Nat has so many HTAs, only had the one touch when you mentioned it before
ryanbob: go nic nat, already beating gawn
JockMcPie: cmon montagna, ton up and carry the team please
Yelse: prides and kennedy will make me lose. can someone stop them pleaseeee
Jukes: Hello 82
eagles86: like i said silver u look at this years stats u name any club beside north who has won away interstate
eagles86: thats againts top 8 sides
AngryRyno: why is Yeo spending so long on the bench? only 64% TOG
SilverLion: Geelong did it on Friday…
Rilian: Geelong have won 3/3 interstate, 1 top 8..
ryanbob: eagles won’t be classified as an elite team until they can start winning away
Torz: Lecras’ symbol is gold.
Harmes37: prids 10 CP in a qtr
shaker: I’m sure the Hawks have won there fair share away
Zeratul: downhill skiier?
shaker: I’m sure the Hawks have there fair share of games interstate
ShavedApe: Good teams win anywhere, we have to start doing the same.
eagles86: but have harks won away agaist a top 8 team
AngryRyno: lol is that a team of downhill skiers
shaker: Ha ha I wondered what that blue icon was
ShavedApe: Looking better without Jetta this week
Tim Tam: Geelong won 3/3 interstate? Of course! Because the one game you lose doesn’t count… GWS at Manuka in Round 2?
ShavedApe: And now the hangover from the first qtr binge
Rilian: Inter territory that one (forgot about it… 4/8 games interstate, maybe we should blame the travel too…)
Tim Tam: In fact, I don’t see a “third interstate win” Hawks and Bombers aren’t “interstate”…. Why do I even bother?
LuvIt74: Eagles ordinary side, they will struggle to make the 8 and ALL the teams they did beat were Lions, Freo, Rich, Pies & SK
LuvIt74: ALL at home games
Torpedo10: Pridda has really slowed down here.
awesomeguy: can priddis stop handballing and kick the thing
LuvIt74: I just got Nic Nat in this game so score 120 please
dipstick: pffft typical priddis. won’t even ton up
AngryRyno: good quarter from Yeo!
ryanbob: slow down priddis, need you to drop in price a bit more
Jackwatt$: Who else have Geelng played interstate apart from SA teams and GWS?
eagles86: hey guys u think ill win im 9 points behind at half time of this game i have kennedy and my opp has mcgovern will i wi
eagles86: will i win
Breezey: I’ll have a few bucks on ya to get home eagles86
Lecras: @eagles is that a joke question? haha
LuvIt74: @eagles stupid question
SaintsMan: not gonna lie, we have been bad. but umps are a disgrace
LuvIt74: So many people asking others whether they will win or not and 90% of the time they know they have it won. Just crazy.
LuvIt74: @Saintsman you bring up the umps every week u loose. Pull ya head in. Carn the Doggies
SaintsMan: luvit, you can not talk mate considering you blokes pay the umps #17-1
leeroy81: 26 point lead, I have Riewoldt, he has McKenzie and Nic Nat, who will win? 🙂
Breezey: Port got caned by the umps against Carlton
JanathF: leeroy81 he should win
Breezey: I’m in QLD and the word out tonight is that Rickliff and Beams might be done for the year. If that’s of interest to anyo
LuvIt74: I can talk because unlike u, I dont bring up the umpires every game like u do. Look at the score 1.9.15 ffs HELO
cusch1: Heard that as well breezey. Very bad news for qld football in general
leeroy81: Thanks JanathF 🙂
feralmong: Not u leeroy. Ur behind already and it’s 2-1.
Zeratul: 4 of those 9 are rushed behinds… for what its worth haha
Hadouken: come on hickey, crawl to 63 and ive won. yes yes, i have hickey. what up?
Exxxx: Nothing wrong with hickey in the FP
Sloaneyyyy: nice to see the good Elliot Yeo is here this week
wadaramus: Carn Priddis, you owe me a big 125+!
Sloaneyyyy: Need some goals please Nroo
feralmong: 3 injuries and two downgrades. I have too many spuds on the ground.
feralmong: But two upgrades to premo this week.
han solo: im stuck with malcevski and kade kolojazzknees
wadaramus: It’s been a brutal weekend in SC, might scrape to 2050.
feralmong: 2056 all done.
JockMcPie: Will I win: Need 289 from montagna + priddis…goddammit
Stuart88: Let’s go mc loving and St Nick a big last Q to help me win
cusch1: Down by 230, got priddis, nicnat and Huron vs lycett?
wadaramus: 289?! Shit, thats a huge ask!
wadaramus: Deliberate OOB is an absolute debacle, AFL rules stink.
cuffy76: how the hell is gaff only on 54 with 26 poss at 61%
SaintsMan: LuvIt, stop carrying on a like a 3 year old, your comments aren’t needed or wanted
JockMcPie: yeh im done, need 131 from montagna and priddis in the last quarter…
BFAsh: someone please make Masten and Montagna collide and both have to go off….. 25 from them and I’m gone.
Hadouken: need 8 more outta hickey. anyones game !
PieCannon: lets go joey, need you to outscore billings and yeo
heppelitis: anyone have seb ross?..hes been outstanding this year
wadaramus: Seb who?
awesomeguy: hahaha well done @wadaramus
feralmong: Uggghh down to a 10 pt lead in the league game. Game over.
The39Steps: Stories of the week? 1) State of Qld afl 2) Dogs v Giants GF 3) Lyon learns how to attack?
teckert: had Ross from Rd 1
wadaramus: Keep going Priddis, repay the faith mate.
JockMcPie: queensland football = rugby. what a joke
LuvIt74: on 2100 right now so im wrapt considering i had Adams, Laird, Wells, Barlow and C Rioli
heppelitis: great get teckert
frenzy: again you do nuffin in 2nd half nic nat
LuvIt74: what ever NicNat scores abouv 96 is over 2100
JockMcPie: will Laird, Wells and Barlow be back next week??
wadaramus: Come on Hickey, get me a few more mate.
cusch1: Nicnat on the bench for most of this quarter frenzy
wadaramus: Hope so Jock.
ScootD: Laird won’t be. Who knows what Lyon will do with Barlow. Wells will probably be good to play
frenzy: blows up like a balloon
Rebuild: Thanks Priddis
ryanbob: laird is possible, was a 2-3 week injury
JockMcPie: Montagna get up to 110, Priddis make 130. big effort here boys
wadaramus: Come on Prddis, still half a quarter to go, bust it up man!
ryanbob: go for 120 + nic nat!
JockMcPie: nic nat is a freak, only 66% gametime for 100+…
LuvIt74: Wells & Barlow will be back next week and even Laird could be back
cusch1: I have to question his fitness with so much bench time jock
ryanbob: im not bothered with his fitness when hes scoring so well with limited game time! should mean he wont need to be rested
JockMcPie: agree @cusch. cmon joey, ton up in SC!
ShavedApe: NicNat fitness very good. He being managed. Gov is NOT fit.
cusch1: I am bothered because he could be averaging upwards of 130 with even 20% more game time, and he’s off again
LuvIt74: Cmon niitanui bring home the bone, I need to stay in top 5000
ShavedApe: He is in my team too. If he spent good time on ground I would have him captain every week.
ryanbob: its a bit annoying but if he is averaging 116 with his game time ill take it if it means he wont miss a game
dipstick: priddis the flog who always scores 40 in the 1st then can’t get 60 in the next 3Q’s
ShavedApe: Gee McGov could be Brilliant if he was fitter.
LuvIt74: @cush1 there resting NicNat because they are 80+ points up so not worth keeping him out. Its nothing to do with his fit
JockMcPie: lol when Dempster has higher SC than Riewoldt but 40 less DT…
LuvIt74: Fitness
eagles86: damn u mcgovern
sonik79: flat track bullies? wont complain if we get percentage boosters. and better than a loss 🙂
gdshifty: keep going Ross!
frenzy: they do it every week@ Luvit, but dont win every week
eagles86: mcgovern cost me a sc win
cusch1: Livit this happens week in week out as far as I’m aware
Breezey: Great stuff Savage and Gaff. They’ve got me home
ryanbob: flat track bullies at their finest today
Torz: Jack Steven has been rubbish lately.
AngryRyno: lol Lecca, deserves a few more Ski icons
eagles86: when the likes of hawthron or north melb or any team in vic flog a team by 100 points does that mean there flat track b
JockMcPie: fell 50 short, just scraped 2000. what a crap round. no cash cows stood up either
Stuart88: Love ur work mc loving and St nick should get me the SCwin
frenzy: wet toast seagulls
eagles86: ryan when geelong flogg a lower ranked team by 100 points wouldnt u call them flat track
ShavedApe: Nothing to do with the Saints Away record, all about Flat Track Bullies.
eagles86: tbh all teams are flat track bullies at home they have to be
LuvIt74: @eagles86 u said your opponent had McGovern & +9 but u said u had Priddis. How can u have lost?
eagles86: u guys are just mad that eagles are a threat to the flag so stop whinging get over it
LuvIt74: Regardless of this 103 point win the Eagles are not a decent side this season.
eagles86: cause mcgovern scored big in the last 2 quaters
ryanbob: north melb are grinding out results, hawks are proven. Eagles are good but they dont seem to travel well
eagles86: and kennedy only scored bout just over 20
LuvIt74: Eagles a threat for the flag, lmfao who has the eagles beat?
ShavedApe: Hawks still the team to beat
eagles86: u tell me what top 4 team have ur team beat
LuvIt74: @eagles if your opponent was +9 points and had McGovern and u have Priddis it means u win fool
eagles86: who has ur team beat thats in top 4
LuvIt74: Eagles bean all bottom 5-6 sides and got pummped by Cats, Hawks & swans
LovetShuey: Who do u go for luvit