SilverLion: Traded in Simmo this week for De Goey, he owes me 110+
Breezey: Trouble for Levi here
poolboybob: Tombstone :
JockMcPie: hopefully both teams put up a good showing, need a high-scoring, tough contest!
poolboybob: Tombstone :’-(
Harmes37: define trouble please? lol
Breezey: Have not one player in the game. My opponent has Byrne, Kerridge and Pittard. Looking for low numbers from these 3
JockMcPie: casboult gone probably for the day, and most likely for a couple of weeks
Breezey: Off for an extended period Harmes37
Harmes37: daaaaaaaaaamn!
JanathF: lets go blues. Lets win for casboult
Harmes37: who will take marks and kick behinds for us now?
Harmes37: laaaaaaaaaaaaamb!
JockMcPie: get a touch kerridge!
JanathF: we still got liam jones
Mash: haha beat me to it Janath
Breezey: Here goes Liam now
SilverLion: Get involved Kerridge…
Harmes37: thanks @Breezey @JMP
bjones38: How can Casboult be 0 when he clearly took a mark ???
JanathF: conceded a free kick
Breezey: Port struggling to do anything at the moment
JockMcPie: simpson will get 150 today
SilverLion: DBJ and Kerridge not interested atm.
Breezey: As soon as I say it Port start to dominate
Harmes37: now say Carlton are struggling please
Breezey: If you see my symbol against my name Harmes I’ll never say that
thommoae: bj – take a glance at the frees stat for Cas
Generalsor: Attaboy Kerridge, strong finish to the qtr
Harmes37: haha worth a shot!
Generalsor: Geez trengove going OK
JanathF: comon byrne
korza: Ports bigs doing a lot of damage
JanathF: is kreuzer in the rooms
Breezey: Blues can’t win surely with 2 players short if Kreuzer is done as well.
danmaio: Move Kerridge, ffs
awesomeguy: anyone rlse get pittard and DBJ confused?
gdshifty: kerridge having a shocker
Torz: So many almost points for Kerridge. Near the ball without getting a stat.
gdshifty: the week i trade in Simpson, he goes missing and will score sub 80. Of all weeks…
ryanbob: kerridge and DBJ doing their best to continue my shocking weekend
Breezey: Can anyone tell me the free kick count. Surely Carlton are getting their fair share
korza: *Shifty My 1st week with simpson 2
awesomeguy: 12 6 breezy
JanathF: my SC team is so bad this week unless gawn and priddis play rippers
MerleDixon: Same here my first week with simpson in
poolboybob: I need about 10 trades next week to get rid of all my cash cows who have hit their break even
AngryRyno: Simmo probably playing a more defensive role if Rowe is in the ruck
Breezey: Sounds about right. Looked like they were getting a few
gdshifty: @korza we should have gone docherty.
Breezey: Kreuzer back
JockMcPie: simpson has scored about 6 points since qtr time…
ryanbob: kreuzer back on, should help simpsons scores
JanathF: simmo will definitely lift
korza: *Shifty started the week ranked 10th overall AF Every point counts
gdshifty: 10th overall? Damn. Who did you captain?
JockMcPie: need byrne-jones and kerridge to get 150 between them…looking like 80 right now
poolboybob: Kerridge will probably be most traded out player by a mile this week
korza: Dangerfield
gdshifty: omg carlton play kick to kick in backline and Simpson on bench…
ajconodie: Kerridge is playing like crap because Kerridge is playing on him.
Pull: how pittard is on 40 sc points is just baffling
korza: Agree poolboy, straight to Z.Merret
Lobbus: Is Kerrridge injured – had back issue last week was in doubt
Fury: Conodie is right. If Kerridge wasn’t playing against himself he would have tonned up by now
Jackwatt$: Padlock and/or tag for Kerridge?
ajconodie: lol Fury have a look at the notes on kerridge.
Breezey: I’m actually quite pleased with Kerridge’s performance today.
eagles86: any news on kreuzer and plowman
JockMcPie: lol Breezey most likely coz ur opponent has him?
JockMcPie: @eagles kreuzer back on he field late, plowman not sure
rrrbird1: getting in the future not helping kreuzer either
Breezey: Your all over it Jock. He also has Byrne and Pittard. Happy days at this point
eagles86: ok damn hoping they was off the field cause i tipped power to win in my tipping if carlton win i wont be winning my tipp
colin wood: How are we all travelling this weekend in SC lads?
SilverLion: Lift Simmo…
eagles86: not good wood have 2 players out this week didnt realise havnt got back up for them
SilverLion: @colin 15/1422 prior to this game.
JockMcPie: will most likely scrape over 2200, carnage round for me but should win most games colin
Breezey: Was that Travis Boak or Travis Cloke. Point blank
poolboybob: Kerridge has no excuse. Karl Amon is also matched up against himself, and he’s going pretty well.
thommoae: Yeah poolboy, but youu gotta admit – it’s a heck of a close tagging job!
eagles86: winning atm by 300 only got dahlhaus and kennedy left opp has gawn as capt liberatore and mcgovern left
eagles86: u think i can win
awesomeguy: no sorry
JockMcPie: @eagles would need gawn to have a shocker, but it could happen
iZander: yes eagles, rucks always go poor vs doggies
Breezey: Your home Eagles86
thommoae: Not likely to have a shocker v J. Roughy and Campbell – hardly destructive opponents.
colin wood: I’m 1553 from 14 thus far and I had Ward as my C.. Could have been better.
gdshifty: ffs Simpson chased down twice this quarter for -6 instead of +6 useless cunt
colin wood: TBJ and Kerridge are trying to out stink each other in this one but..
Smithy1: izander are you being sarcastic?
rupink06: glad I went docherty over simpson
Mcswains: Colin wood is an absolute legend 🙂
eagles86: sucks cause i have currie dempsey daniel wells and marcus adams who not playing this week and only got 2 emgencies into
Breezey: Kerridge not trying to get a possible.
man0005: gun for Colin wood
eagles86: play
colin wood: Get around me
SilverLion: DBJ and Kerridge, wtf are you doing???
iZander: smithy1, no I’m not. you obviously don’t pay close attention 🙂
eagles86: who wins from here and the margic predictions guys
eagles86: margin
AngryRyno: Blues by 5
Smithy1: dangg, i have c on gawn
rupink06: blues by 2
Breezey: Port by 12
SilverLion: Draw
iZander: he will probably go well now but doggies is the seoncd worst team for rucks to play against, its deceiving, goldywent 50
Harmes37: are you sure @breezey?
Breezey: Not sure but just a tip
Mileroo30: blues after the siren, daisy thomas
gdshifty: Simmo i never doubted you! 😀
SaintsMan: “simmo was a bad pick”
Jair: Rookie are not scoring well this year in SC
Smithy1: not good signs
eagles86: in simmo we trust
korza: Feelin good about Kate now
JanathF: come on blues
AngryRyno: blooooooooz
Sloaneyyyy: Travis Boak is a shadow of the player he used to be
eagles86: come on power u cant let me down
Kenny27: @korza is she a blonde?
thommoae: Never mind yer gf, korza – how about Simmo?
AngryRyno: nice quarter from pittard, lol!
gdshifty: byrne corky
Preston007: Byrne on track for 2 negative quarters in the same game…
gdshifty: Cripps looks done for the day
colin wood: Good battle between Potato Cripps and Ol have another Wine
AngryRyno: cripps reportedly going down to the rooms
S-dog: mah boy Gibbs going ham!
gdshifty: CD missed simmo kicking to himself before kicking out from goalsquare. Muppets
ryanbob: DBJ got minus 8 points for the FA, that seems way too excessive
sticky12: What’s wrong with Gawn captain?
gdshifty: simmo kicked it after that tackle too! Better count it!
colin wood: Just noticed that too Ryanbob
ryanbob: minus 9 points now, lol good job CD
Breezey: How far are Carlton leading the free kick count. Surely by a long way
AngryRyno: 20-9 free kicks
carlton_99: They’ve all been there @BREEZEY
colin wood: CD guys must have traded him out this week.
SilverLion: @colin he gave away a 50 as well though.
ryanbob: i agree colin wood! that’s the most negative points ive seen given for a FA
JockMcPie: fml kerridge and byrne-jones, need massive last quarters please
Breezey: I don’t dispute that but there’s a few for Pirt that have been there too.
King_Robbo: I saw that too… Clearly they’ll fix that
AngryRyno: +3 for Simmo!
Breezey: Port
JockMcPie: big final term simmo, try to outscore docherty?!
AngryRyno: Cripps back on
Lecras: cripps back on
DanBlack: How many wings are there on this Carlton bird?
Smurf_x: DBJ has been putrid today, as has pittard. Really dissapointing
J.Worrall: net game pls
Sloaneyyyy: these two teams trying to hit a target is woeful to watch!
J.Worrall: Doggies game?
MerleDixon: great lift by simpson!
JockMcPie: good to see kerridge and simpson lifting, cmon DBJ scrape to 50 please
awesomeguy: Did DBJ just get a touch???
ajconodie: DBJ won’t reach his be. Suck it to those criticising us still having Papley last night!!
ryanbob: he already passed his be?
eagles86: port wins
Pull: he already did
ajconodie: Now he has, he was heading back to below 21
eagles86: im getting rid of paley this week
ryanbob: lol maybe at quarter time. he was at 28 when you said it. Make sure you check it before you go spouting off next time
ajconodie: Brought Simpson in over Gibson this week. Might be a tie.
rupink06: yes docherty you legend!
JockMcPie: have to keep papley, im trading menadue and either kerridge or adams for a premium/rookie
Sloaneyyyy: m0nty, scores are broken in the other game
Jogr: why is the other game not working
Harmes37: aFL site is having issues
MIJG: Only 1 ton for port
JockMcPie: Stats say carlton should win, so id back them from here
Sloaneyyyy: Kreuzer with a massive goal
AngryRyno: Kreuz deserves a golden heart or something
dipstick: all blues need a heart considering injuries
AngryRyno: big points to kedge for that handball to Kreuz
rupink06: omg i said blues by 2!!!
JockMcPie: massive last quarter by kerridge, earnt his spot in my team for another week
Sloaneyyyy: nice win Blues, hard fought !
AngryRyno: hearty stuff from the Baggers!
JanathF: we are the navy blues. 4 in a row
wadaramus: Well played Carlton!
dipstick: he he heee 4peat for blues 🙂
Jukes82: boy oh boy wowwee!
dipstick: you’re a lil gun Bolton. finally blues have an el Capitan
AngryRyno: see the Blues’ scores scale up, up!