AngryRyno: eagles by a goal, and alex pearce with his maiden sc ton
NewFreoFan: Let’s go Eagles, win this so you’re closer to a home final against the Hawks
RooBoyStu: I need Sandi to go shower, so lock him in as best on ground
AngryRyno: neale to outscore tyre would be magnificent.
dipstick: bog for neale. 130+ coming
RooBoyStu: lift Yeo
dipstick: @rooboy whos sandi rucking against? of course he’ll go large
elk101: Capt Fyfe fire up
NewFreoFan: Kennedy in everything
Bazza2014: freo sandbagging
Bazza2014: Freo out in straight sets, will be smashed by the dogs.
Beast_Mode: come on coasters keep the hawks out the top 2.
dipstick: @beast lol as if freo are going to win. for 2 weeks we knew theyd throw the game hahaha
Beast_Mode: lol true, good move by lyon.
dipstick: fact is lyon is a shit coach. will never win a flag.
grossn: Let’s go Fyfe and Mundy! Looking at 2650+ this week!
willywalks: dockers will tank so hawks have to potentially make two trips to the west if eagles finish 2nd
Pokerface: why is it better for freo to lose? that assumes wc beats hawks over there week 1 .. which is a big if
Pokerface: if wc lose against hawks, freo dont have a home state advantage ..
Monger: Eagles are just better….
RooBoyStu: Hawks beat WC last week over there lol
Monger: Yeah but key eagles players were missing
dipstick: @rooboy without nicnat. he makes a huge difference vs hawks
AngryRyno: exact opposite to the last derby
RooBoyStu: wake up Yeo
Buzz67: Hawks got both these teams covered
AngryRyno: Eagles could push Hawks at home
willywalks: cmon yeo, need more of that!
myteamsuks: Wow priddis havin a quiet one when the team is smashing it
Jmachete: I hope hawks choke
willywalks: ok, yeo has a pulse now!
mijg: Can see Sandi getting a fake injury and sitting out half the game.
dipstick: cmon WCE. have 500 on you to lead at HT. heheh such an obvious bet 😉
AngryRyno: A.Pearce 24sc that’s what we like
auxDT: get involved priddis
Bazza2014: Hawks nothing to lose, back2back already- FREO will choke like port, finish top out in 2. lmao
Jmachete: Shuey up there with the Selwood’s and Grime’s of ducking greats
Rubber Ducky: Quack goes Luke Shuey but the ump is wise to it and pays HTB against him.
Monger: Are Neale and Barlow cutting the oranges for half time or something?
JRedden: anyone know why neale playing so bad?
Beast_Mode: lol, poppy is the duck king
Bazza2014: jredden the not playing bad they just arent trying 100%
Jmachete: That’s true poppy does duck heaps
willywalks: and yeo is dead again
NewFreoFan: I have Priddis Yeo and Neale and they’re all spudding it up
auxDT: priddis icicle
Jmachete: umps killing this game
Jmachete: westcoast’s ducking is on point today
JRedden: neale is having a mare
Bazza2014: barlow icicle
AngryRyno: silvagni is having a mare, 4 FA already
Bazza2014: neale muppett
willywalks: lol @ silvagni, -7
JRedden: silvagni is going for the record, 5 frees against and on -7
Torz: Give Neale the mare. Wow.
AngryRyno: 5FA and a report now, this is funny stuff
poolboybob: Hill with the epic muppet
NewFreoFan: we’re looking like such downhill skiiers
Chelskiman: Miss of the century. x
willywalks: doesn’t andrew swallow have the worst game ever with like -12 one game early in his career?
colmullet: worst year ever Barlow
God_: Silvagni threw an elbow. Have a holiday son.
poolboybob: Good move by Silvagni. Having a pathetic game and going to be dropped, so injure a good player for WC
Jmachete: 18 free kicks to 7 WC’s way
Tim Tam: @willywalks, yeah round 18 2007 -11sc vs Brisbane
fshow: yeo’s been a bit up n down. yeo-yeo like
poolboybob: Fyfe really quiet, playing a lot of FF?
AngryRyno: good recovery neale
NewFreoFan: sad when you’re not sure you’ll get the 80 you need in one half from Yeo Priddis and Neale
willywalks: 4 points that qtr, good work yeo…
willywalks: so im up by 287 with mundy & yeo vs sandi, pearce, griff, jjk and fyfe, do i win, surely yes?
DirtyDawn: Evening all
Bazza2014: barlow subbed
Elephant: What the fuck is wrong with Barlow?
Torz: Wow, Barlow subbed. Big statement from Ross.
colmullet: well there goes my decent week in DT and AF….flowering Barlow
God_: Barlow’s worst game I’ve seen.
RooBoyStu: what a shower bloke Ross is
fshow: cape oclock yeo
Bazza2014: go kennedy!
poolboybob: Ugh, Schofield out. What’s Darren Glass doing these days?
Rockafella: Hi Dawn
DirtyDawn: Hey there Rockafella. Tight games here mate
fshow: yeo is just biding his time
Rockafella: yeah barlow sub stuffed me, playing next week now
RooBoyStu: Yeo is bloody useless
fshow: …any second now
poolboybob: Yeo is probably going to play a lot in defence with Schofield going out.
Rockafella: hope so
RooBoyStu: welcome back Fyfe
Costanza: Yeo way to go – delivered an unexpected win
dipstick: @costanz same me 180 vs barlow, yeo and pearce. winning
DirtyDawn: Real tight for you Rocka mate
Chelskiman: Yep, it’s Sunday. Have
Chelskiman: Yep, it’s Sunday. Have Yeo and Barlow. At least my opponent did too.
Rockafella: yeah, yeo could help me a bit more
dipstick: hey priddis and neale thanks for fucken me chance at 2750
poolboybob: Massive quarter for Fyfe
RooBoyStu: close to a cape for Fyfe
grossn: is Schofield is down and out then who will WC have in their back apart from Hurn?
Rockafella: mcginnity grossn
Hadouken: there we go, nice way to bomb out. awesome barlow, just awesome.
zadolinnyj: One more of those Fyfe with 2 goals as well
dipstick: lyon should be investigated. that flog manipulates more results than everyone else combined
RooBoyStu: @grossn Glen Jakovich might make a comeback at the age of 42
Cyberdyne: cmon barlow, break a leg
poolboybob: WC back line would be Hurn, Sheppard, Wellingham, Butler, Barrass and Bennell or McGovern (if healthy)
poolboybob: Ellis also plays a lot down back
althegreat: Fyfe sc?
tamoz: Lift D.Pearce!
poolboybob: WC will have to hang on. Freo has lifted and are getting all the clearances now
willywalks: icicle for yeo, had 21 points after qtr time, rubbish…
Hadouken: was there anything wrong with barlow or just having another stinker ?
Jmachete: A team will never beat the umpires
Derekcraig: Sandi 128sc. Is that correct?
poolboybob: Kennedy is going for the Coleman McGinnity, just let it roll through!
colin wood: Where’s Lycett?? I’m 25 up in my draft final against Hutchings…
wadaramus: Fyfe 88sc, yes Sandi 130sc!
poolboybob: Lycett is playing ruck and being totally monstered by Sandi
RooBoyStu: how is Silvagni on 2 sc points, 6 frees against and reported?
grossn: Yes Fyfe and Mundy gogo! bring me that 2650
shavedape: If I had Silvagni as Captain would I lose double points?
myteamsuks: konda need Alex Pearce to touch the ball this qtr. ship is slowly sinking
frenzy: Lol rooboy
poolboybob: Eagles need to get and go. They’re garbage when they play slow.
myteamsuks: I’m not watching the game but are freo a sneaky chance?
poolboybob: @myteamsuks, Freo are a big chance. Eagles shorthanded down back and monstered in ruck without Nic Nat
zadolinnyj: Fyfe playing wing. Freo does not want to win. Keeping all finals in WA
RooBoyStu: shut the gate, Eagles home
strikes91: Get the mare out for silvagni
frenzy: mundy and fyfe sc? Pls
zadolinnyj: Would not be surprised if muddy rested next week. He is very spent
RooBoyStu: Pumpkin Lycett
poolboybob: Lycett completely uncompetitive in the ruck
MIJG: So whats the general feeling here. Playing for the lose or not?
Bulky: Alex Silvagni makes Alex Pearce look like Zac Dawson.
tabs: Playing for 2 perth games week 1 of finals
poolboybob: If Freo are playing for the loss they forgot to tell the players on the field
zadolinnyj: Come interesting field placements this qrt MIJG.
KrispyKrem: MIJG if your blokes were playing for the loss they would have rested players
zadolinnyj: Think the players are playing for win and you would not mess with form. Think coach is playing a bit
meziare: How long left?
MIJG: But ya got to make it look believable poolbob or cop the backslash
Rebuild: Hill’s doing alright, and so is Hill.
Slashers: Barlow certainly read the memo!
wadaramus: Nat Fyfe one hundred and fifteen supercoach points.
fshow: now yeo now
KrispyKrem: can’t accept that the Dockers have been outplayed so far MIJG?
zadolinnyj: Lol slashers
Mcswains: Mundy sc?
Slashers: now yeow brown cow
zadolinnyj: Two goals fyfe
wadaramus: Mundy one one eight sc!
MIJG: Lot of free kicks given to Wc and some easy misses from freo. Not hard to make it look good.
poolboybob: Not sure why people seem to be giving #2 spot to Eagles. Still have Doggies and then travel to face Crows
MIJG: Yes I can krispy but always that element of doubt. Which killed the game fir me.
tabs: Sandi is killing SC scoring
fshow: exactly. dockers was the easy game
frenzy: thanks wadaramus
zadolinnyj: It’s definitely up for grabs poolboy. Hawks easy run
poolboybob: I reckon Sheppard was best on ground for Eagles
dipstick: yeh shepard will get the medal
poolboybob: Congrats to Silvagni on finally getting out of the negative scores
dipstick: yeo sc close to priddis?? fucken rort
grossn: 2651 for me this week it looks like!