Grazz: Huge shank
Torz: Hopefully Bird back in the side means that Titch will be realised to the ball magnet role.
Grazz: Im just a lonely boy. 🙁
Grazz: Be nice Torz
LuvIt74: Evening m0nty & all..
ballbag: @m0nty what do ya reckon about mitch the dirty thigh knee’r?
Torz: See you in a month Teddy.
Chelskiman: Teddy Richards will get at least 3 for that.
casey22: Two weeks for Richards
wadaramus: Mitchell likes to cork.
wadaramus: Go Hodgey.
Apachecats: Medal for Richards
J.Worrall: Sammy’s knees are tremblers!
ballbag: heres hoping roughys health is AOK
casey22: Lewis slow off the mark again
LuvIt74: Hawks looking bloody brilliant for the flag…
ballbag: lewis’ 1Q always lower than a midget on his knees lately. need a 120+
J.Worrall: why you merntion Lewis IQ? Brain not needed for footy
LuvIt74: Think those who don’t have GAJ have to find a spot for him coz its gonna cost ya if your opponent has him.
Apachecats: Lance 1 kick ,1 tackle ,1 green frog
casey22: Tom Mitchell on Sam Mitchell, that’s all I need!!!
ballbag: @luvit yeah but GAJ is 1 viney tackle away from missing weeks
Bazza2014: 1 free against
Apachecats: Make that 2 green frogs for Lance
frenzy: cape
LuvIt74: Gotta have him if your serious about FF – His scores are better then ever, he’s hungry.
frenzy: Norman Gunstan cape
runt: No Pyke no Swans
runt: This business of TMitchell tagging is rubbish, he is needed as a free flowing spirit
mark621: whats hanners doing.. ffs
LuvIt74: not much
ryanbob: parker going back to his start of season form
runt: The siren sums it up for the Swans
LuvIt74: Gunston is a gr8 forward to have, very consistent.
LuvIt74: the hawks are playing flawless footy
SydneyRox: Not sure gunston was cape worthy Monty
zadolinnyj: Makes me sick the crows losing Gunston. Wanted to go home. Sad
ballbag: is goodes taunting the hawks fans yet
Jukes82: well you’ll be spewing when danger leaves!
ballbag: gees capes are going cheap in 2015 it seems hey
LuvIt74: He has nothing to taunt them with, if he kicks a goal im sure he will do something though.
Chelskiman: At least T. Mitch will get a full game. No risk of being subbed now.
SydneyRox: Goodes is clearly swans best to now
Chelskiman: @SydneyRox, 3 goals in a quarter is also a cape. Doesn’t have to be 50 points.
willywalks: muppet for buddy
LuvIt74: carn Hodge rack up those scores
ballbag: gees imagine how good afl would be if every team had a hodgey
SydneyRox: no way those guys werent giving away 50 for buddys kick
LuvIt74: Look at the names of Swans midfield, JPK, Parker, Jack, Haneberry there miid is full of potential All Australians but
LuvIt74: there looking ordinary against hawks
SydneyRox: to help your case luv, they all have been AA
dj9343: *their
Chelskiman: Is Parker even playing? This is fucked
sticky12: *they’re
goes: Parker Hannebery and tippet sc
runt: they$re looking bloated the Bondi boys
zadolinnyj: Lol the corrected correction @sticky12
dj9343: no that was 4 b4
ballbag: @m0nty can u please lift lewis with a purple name for all threat? this is killin me again!
sticky12: Haha prob was “their”
runt: Okay Longmire Tom can tag no worries, you made your point, now let him LOOSE!!!!!
dj9343: #justificationforthecorrectionofthecorrection
SydneyRox: 700 for Buddy is a great effort!
SydneyRox: olden days crowd would mob him
Jukes82: buddy atlas
3rdstriker: Buddy again
Chelskiman: Don’t stop, Birch!
ballbag: m0nty half the chat screen is cut off
zadolinnyj: Sam Mitchell does not look interested
ryanbob: Gibson you spud
wadaramus: Improve your DE Hodgey, your SC is suffering.
Bruce: Delicious goal by Cyril, he’s so good isn’t he?
mark621: hanners sc? glad to see hodge with out a good DE. iv got hanners against hodge
OnTheRocks: i felt like you yesterday when Goldy was playing Bruce
goes: Hannebery sc
circle52: Hanners 66SC
goes: Thanxs circle52
SydneyRox: that was clever Parker!
Yelse: taggers are a stupid concept. u take away one of your ball winners from centre to try and take opponents ball winner awa
goes: Very clever parker
J.Worrall: Nice work, Nosey
frenzy: hawks stopped or just me
J.Worrall: SpiderSwan, SpiderSwan, does whatever a SpiderSwan does …
ryanbob: Did gibson die?
Slashers: How has Rioli not gone ping yet?
Yelse: why are the scores so low i need hodge gibson Tmicthell hannerbry and kennedy centuries
Woosha 73: So what’s bothering Suckling today?
frenzy: dig a hole hawks and bury em
Slashers: Don’t sub roughy, don’t sub roughy!
Breezey: McVeigh not much chop anymore against the good sides
Slashers: Hell, see those bolts stick out of the ground! Crazy!!
zadolinnyj: Amazing @slasher
Slashers: Ridiculous! They would t even be allowed in a child care playground!
poolboybob: Rioli star
Bruce: Special by Cyril, a speccy then goal, this could be his break out year!
m0nty: nominations for star please
ballbag: @bruce you destroyed your seams yet?
poolboybob: What year do you think a team other than the Hawks will win the premiership? I say 2018.
SydneyRox: @poolboy Premierships aint won in July champ
SydneyRox: @monty Cyril I guess, but it has bee such an even job, hard to pick one imo
SydneyRox: 10 goal final qtr for the swans….. anyone??
Bazza2014: Cyril star
knickers: Delicious star
Apachecats: Hale subbed
Bazza2014: #lovemyhawks
Grazz: This is a training drill
SydneyRox: nights like tonight i question if horse is the best coach for us
Raspel31: 10 goalquqrter won’t cut itSydneyRox
casey22: Pass mark for Titch? Given tag role or poor effort against quality opposition?
Slashers: Lucky you kicked that Suckling you pony!
ballbag: thhyrol for the star
Grazz: Agree Syd, Horse has got no answers for Hawthorn at all
happylab: he’s limited mitchell’s influence, titch definitly passes the mark
SydneyRox: how that, hawks have kicked first 7 and last 9? horrible
SydneyRox: @grazz the players are nervous, but horse just doesnt seem to adjust at any point
Grazz: agree mate
Slashers: Wanna touch the pill Burgoyne?
SydneyRox: Think you could have given the heart to Goodes Monty, hasnt stopped trying all night
Grazz: Tippett has been a very expensive flop
Grazz: Shut up BT
zadolinnyj: Thanks Sydney for taking Tippett.
SydneyRox: tippet has only ever had one decent year, we certainly paid overs
poolboybob: Give Goodes the ZOMBIE
runt: Tippett is basically just a galloping giraffe
zadolinnyj: Common Mitchell junk time
SydneyRox: two players we really miss are Mcglynn and Rohan
meka100: start the truck lewis
ballbag: @sydrox yeh right goodes has anger in his heart
zadolinnyj: Hawthorn = scary
J.Worrall: Onya Roughie!
SydneyRox: went early Monty, give the star to Roughie!!
J.Worrall: 8 and above a suitcase – thanks Richo!
zadolinnyj: Richo. A suitcase of goals??????
zadolinnyj: 2 goals a toiletry bag of goals, 3 to 4 carry on luggage of goals. Ricoh and BT not very good
J.Worrall: 4 is a little sportsbag
Bazza2014: richo is a spastic
SydneyRox: they do love getting stuck into tippett. in his defense has been playin #1 ruck tonight
ballbag: hahaha richo a suitcase in prison is storing something in your ring
J.Worrall: I luv Richo – he’s not BT!
Bazza2014: from one tasmanian to another- he needs to kepp his mouth shut
J.Worrall: 8 sausage rolls in the suitcase takes on a whole new meaning!
TasDevil: Roll on September
SaintsMan: ton up gibbo, titchell, hanners and macca
zadolinnyj: How is Mitchell so low with 28 possessions and not bad DE
ballbag: big mcevoy 100%
Slashers: Burgoyne you seagull!
SydneyRox: its official this is the worst commentary team ever!
frenzy: haven’t seen lewis for twenty mins, but he keeps scoring
The39Steps: @zadolinnyj – just one tackle. need tackles to score big. Look at JPK and Cyril.
zadolinnyj: Fair enough. Can’t see his figures on ipad
frenzy: roughy stiffed