Miers gathers a ground ball ahead of Wagner on the boundary 40m out and lets fly off a few steps, nominally towards Neale in the square but it flies through for the first goal! (Q1 3:31)
Smith wobbles a bouncing snap to the square but it goes right when it needed to stay straight. (Q1 7:00)
All the play up Geelong’s end for the first eight minutes but Freo gets past the Cats wall with Brayshaw bouncing to 40m on a slight angle for the opener for the Docker. (Q1 8:17)
Bowes runs forward to mark 20m out on the flank and curl in Geelong’s second goal. (Q1 10:17)
Dangerfield receives on the outside and shoots off a step from 35m on the flank, but hooks it across the face to the left. (Q1 12:22)
Bowes roves a long speculator to the square by Cameron beating Walker, rides contact and feeds Oliver Henry to goal from 15m. (Q1 17:42)
O’Connor feeds inside to Dempsey at a ball up 40m out on a slight angle, Dempsey throws the ball on the boot, bounces in the square… again to the right, into the post. (Q1 22:38)
Brayshaw marks a short pass at half forward, realises there’s no one on the mark and plays on for a running snap from 50m on a slight angle… wide right. (Q1 27:08)
Long ball to the Cat goalsquare by Stengle from the HFF, Oliver Henry contests but it clears him and bounces up for Dempsey to volley home. (Q1 29:03)
Dangerfield storms through a pack on the HFF but his tumbling punt is wide right. (Q1 30:56)
Cats are all over Freo on the ground, Dangerfield earns a HTB free on a panicked Cox in the pocket 25m out, plays on and curls in the goal. (Q1 32:28)
Treacy had one handball in Q1 but he gets lovely delivery by Serong to mark on the lead 45m out on a slight angle… but he kicks to the right. (Q2 0:53)
Ryan is left with arms in the air as Walker is picked off kicking across the back line, Close with the intercept and easy goal. (Q2 1:48)
Holmes catches a baulking Jackson HTB in the pocket 20m out, LJax tried to fend but wasn’t strong enough. Another goal to Geelong. (Q2 4:54)
Treacy flies but can’t mark at half forward, Amiss keeps the crumb alive for Banfield to give back to Treacy for the checkside goal from 25m in the pocket. (Q2 8:48)
Centre clearance Freo but O’Meara can’t get his checkside online from a pack near the hotspot. (Q2 9:52)
Wagner fluffs an intercept on the HBF, Miers roves and delivers a lovely pass inside to Holmes near the hotspot, who converts. (Q2 15:48)
Stewart sits under a high ball at half back and earns a free for getting smashed by Treacy, switch rebound ends with Stengle marking a Blicavs pass 45m out, another goal. (Q2 18:47)
Treacy marks on anotehr lead 40m out in the corridor but his set shot is an utter dud, wobbles into the behind post OOTF. Bronxies from the Gary Ablett Terrace. (Q2 20:37)
Jackson sets up Banfield to have a moment to assess his options in the pocket 25m out, eventually chooses a loping checkside… narrow to the left. (Q2 25:12)
Stengle marks a Neale kick to 20m on a slight angle, nothing Sharp could do there. He converts. (Q2 26:34)
Cameron takes a big pack mark in a crowded goalsquare from a high Stengle kick for another one. (Q2 29:31)
Dangerfield roves and goals from the top of the square. One-way traffic. (Q2 32:14)
Frederick marks a short Wagner pass at the hotspot just on the HT siren and gives Freo small consolation after being belted all through Q2. (Q2 34:45)
Frederick also kicks the first goal of Q3 after Serong engineers the centre clearance via Johnson. Goal assist give by Reidy with a tap by Banfield. (Q3 0:38)
Johnson intercepts at half forward, slow kick to a big pack at the hotspot but no mark… then O’Sullivan fumbles the crumb to allow Banfield to soccer home. (Q3 2:13)
Neale sends a set shot across the face from 40m on the flank. (Q3 4:39)
Pearce jinks past two on the wing and bombs long to the square, Amiss can’t mark and it’s O’Sullivan who eventually rushes it. (Q3 6:52)
Cameron raps the near left post with a drop punt from 45m on the boundary. (Q3 9:39)
Treacy marks 40m out on the flank but leaves his set shot narrow to the right. (Q3 15:45)
Reid marks 45m out on a slight angle, can the first-game mid show the key forwards how to kick set shots? Terrible kick off the boot, touched onto the post by Jack Henry. (Q3 17:29)
Dempsey marks 40m out in front and makes no mistake. Good kicking is good football. (Q3 19:51)
Reid gets another set shot 45m out on the flank, this time he plays on and baulks Miers on the mark if you don’t mind, then thumps through his first senior goal! (Q3 23:00)
Reid converts another set shot from 35m on a slight angle, this time not trying anything adventurous. (Q3 26:05)
Long ball to the Freo goalsquare, Reidy provides the crumb for Treacy who rides a tackle and gives back to that man Reid for his fourth goal of Q3! Wowee! (Q3 29:00)
Sharp kicks to the teeth of goal from the HFF, Jack Henry gets back to try to touch it through in time… review shows he did, just a point. (Q3 30:15)
Neale marks on the HFF and goes quickly inside over Clark to Atkins 40m out on a slight angle, who converts. (Q4 8:09)
Neale outmarks Pearce 25m out on the flank after Dempsey runs away from the next centre bounce. He kicks straight, Geelong back in scoreboard control. (Q4 9:54)
Smith runs to the HFF, has men on inside but goes himself… Oliver Henry spoiled by Cox on the line for a rushed behind. (Q4 11:38)
The short kick in by Cox is picked off by Stengle 35m out, he kicks the first goal of junk time. (Q4 12:17)
Humphries roves at true CHF, jinks and shoots wide right. (Q4 15:02)
Cox has gone forward, he marks and goals from close range but it’s garbage time now. (Q4 16:47)
Cameron screws in another bit of junk from the pocket after marking a Neale pass in front of Draper. (Q4 19:02)
Bowes chips inboard from the HFF to Miers who hooks left from 35m in front. (Q4 20:22)
Smith runs to CHF and has another lash, this one drops short for Oliver Henry to marks over Pearce for another one. (Q4 21:02)
Wagner is late and high on Smith on outer wing, crowd cheers the 50m penalty, Smith brought to the hotspot where he adds some garbage. (Q4 25:22)
De Koning snaps across the body for one of the better finishes of the day from 40m on a slight angle, party time at Kardinia Park now. (Q4 28:02)
Cameron marks another Neale inside 50 kick to 25m on the flank, set up nicely for his left foot curl and he delivers. (Q4 30:25)
Oliver Henry marks a Humphries kick after the next centre bounce, Ryan chewing wasps afterwards. Goal from near the hotspot. (Q4 32:09)
Another pack mark to Cameron in the square, this one from a Stewart long ball, to add to his bag of junk on the final siren. (Q4 34:35)