carl: Early call: Pie’s by 20 pts
Yelse: can the piessss!!! NDiacos 35+
TheLegend6: Pies should win
navy_blues: cant see how gws score enough points to win
Yelse: Soft 50 lol
Roarix: Nick Davis.. come on Drem.. its gonna be a long year of poor commentating
EvilMonk: more frees than possessions so far. any chance we could put the whistle away? lol
clay007: If you take a mark and then get a 50m penalty, is that considered a free kick stats wise
EvilMonk: yes it is clay
TheLegend6: 4 minutes in and pies fans already complaining about umpires
EvilMonk: @TheLegend6 frees being paid both ways, but zero flow of footy.
EvilMonk: I dont gaf about who gets them just be good to let the game flow.
TheLegend6: 50m penalty not considered a free, otherwise mcstay would have one there
clay007: It says that the frees are 2-2. There has been more frees than that?
EvilMonk: he gets a big score penalty for SC but no free against apparently.
thommoae: Afternoon all. Anyone tell me how to delete my Team icon?
TheLegend6: doesn’t seem like too many frees from a neutral POV
EvilMonk: its flowing now @TheLegend, the complaint was in the first 3 mins
don key: arvo all .. dam josh a gun
clay007: Moore vs Taylor. Hmmm….
naicosfan: were looking real sloppy rn
Rikyb: Carn the giants
clay007: Moore should be dominant without Hogan. Donuts. Taylor a champion
EvilMonk: geeze that looked a bit better!
EvilMonk: poor lad got crunched. bad start to the season, hope he’s alright 🙁
naicosfan: very unfortunate
Claudius: What injury to Briggs?
naicosfan: head to hip
naicosfan: pretty bad collision
Claudius: conscious?
EvilMonk: excellent kick Pman.
naicosfan: yeah, just real groggy
EvilMonk: wasted all our good goalkicking in the praccy match.
tor01doc: Pushed into the contest. Have to stop that shower. Cowardly. Dangerous.
Claudius: Thx
naicosfan: Right monk
nbartos: generous SC points for a first qtr – 65 & 48
EvilMonk: we can’t kick a simple set shot and Brown kicks that? Not good signs lol.
Yelse: this is shocking pies wasted shots and they finishing
naicosfan: Taylor makes sense, lots of intercept marks
EvilMonk: yikes.
Roarix: no wonder saints threw the bank at him.. hes gonna be a gun
nbartos: ugly stuff
soup: Leake TOG is a worry
Claudius: At least he wont be subbed
tor01doc: Lots of trades out me
tor01doc: Thinks
tor01doc: Josh Daicos? new role?
navy_blues: only early
beerent11: Pop up draft league just opened. 737099. Drafting iat 5pm. 10 teams. 12 players.
bombrblitz: Welcome to my team Perryman
tor01doc: Don?t pay the Perryman
EvilMonk: surely that’s 50 if consistent?
nbartos: soft 50
EvilMonk: great kick by Allan! Love it.
Stu7: What posy is Ferryman playing?
naicosfan: cba mid
soup: Inside mid stu
Yelse: when JDG and Houston come in hopefully Allan stays in
Stu7: Thanks naicosfan
Stu7: I?ll
Stu7: I?m tossing up between Roberts & Perryman
Stu7: Thanks soup
soup: Turf looks shocking
clay007: could you start with a perryman then upgrade to a premo in 3 weeks time?
wadaramus: Perryman instead of Short? What about the bye?
TheLegend6: A good structure includes having Roberts, Short and Perryman
navy_blues: i think perrymans end score will decide wether worth doing wada
navy_blues: todays end score
Primetime: i dont see why u cant have perryman, short and roberts
Fordy13: at the moment I have Sheezel, Zorko, Short, Roberts and Perryman
Fordy13: afternoon gents!
Fordy13: sorry correction, Sheezel, Zorko, Clark, Perryman and Roberts.
soup: Anyone else fading naicos?
navy_blues: naicos 4 me after bye think he will be tagged against port as well
EvilMonk: that was play on, he ducked.
EvilMonk: Taylor bog right now.
PAFC4eva: Drew only run with player not a hard tag like bedford
Yelse: Ndaicos still getting 50 and he is worn like a glove.
Pokerface: Primetime you might want to look at round 3
TheLegend6: Best 18 in bye rounds Poker
Yelse: why waste trades if you gonna end up with him anyway
Pokerface: you are still playing at least 2 premiums less than everynone
wadaramus: How do we navigate R3? Have to rely on too many rooks?
Fordy13: good thing with tagging is that he’ll pick up a free kick or three.
PAFC4eva: All crom players wada
Pokerface: probably equates to 100-120 points behind everyone else that round. rd 1-2 wont make up for that
wadaramus: I was building a team to beat the byes, but too many good options!
soup: You reckon people are running defensive structures without perryman and Roberts pokerface?
Primetime: its about maximizing money early in the season
TheLegend6: There’s no good rookies in def, have to pay up
Pokerface: Soup – i reckon they are running them without both at the same time, es
Mantaur: Leake has come alive, good to see
sc_mvp: wasup guys. scmvp back here. can someone here tell fttv cord mods to let me back in cuz i wanna promote the jdaicos pick
Primetime: no one is picking leake now, the cupboard is pretty bare
naicosfan: why would u want to promote a pick? dont want a POD?
Mantaur: Six months in a Leake boat
wadaramus: Going 5 deep in defence means thinner stocks in the mids, especially bench rooks.
wadaramus: But I think DEF and FWD has great value to bat deep, just have to hope the MID can carry the can!
TheLegend6: good value across the board this season tbh
wadaramus: Good finish to the quarter by GWS, another enjoyable game of footy.
wadaramus: Yes, agree Legend, MID has some value picks too.
beerent11: Only 4 teams in the draft league. 20 minutes till it starts. If it?s not full, I?ll delete it. #737099
Roarix: light on with players per team beer
beerent11: League full
beerent11: Don?t enter then roar.
EvilMonk: anyone wants to join my public league it’s 569332 <3
beerent11: Need one more team. Someone just dropped out.
clay007: What is your team Evilmonk, just joined
EvilMonk: Kash Wookies
clay007: Cool. It would be nice to be in another league. Only 6 in it though.
EvilMonk: I’m in a few popular ones
wadaramus: The SACA’s run down 300 on the last day to beat the VIC’s, giddy up!
EvilMonk: Dwayne Russell keeps saying we never recovered, we went 12-6-2 after Round 3 lol
Noxious: Go the shredbacks Wada
Roarix: you were 1-2 and missed finals monk so not inaccurate.. compared to being 0-3 with what happened with us
wadaramus: We’ve finally got the ideal mix of local and interstate talent Noxious!
wadaramus: Mostly interstate!
Noxious: Definitely looking great for us
Roarix: naicos sore by the looks of it
clay007: Pies should look to move naicos
Roarix: he is cooked
wadaramus: Daicos calf by the look of it.
wadaramus: Cramp.
TheLegend6: he’ll be right
Yelse: pies no clue once inside 50 no time to look up
nbartos: taylor and cameron top scorers – says something, i just dont know what LOL
clay007: I would hate to be a pies forward. Kick it long and high
naicosfan: poor from us
Capn_Flash: Sam Taylor D1 nbartos???
Capn_Flash: Leake’s doing alright
wadaramus: Leake will have to do for D7/8.
Ash777: Naicos is done
Noxious: Adopting the port adelaide method of bomb it long to charlie
Noxious: Just no Charlie
Gotigres: I just traded out my captain
Noxious: Which is a positive of course
Capn_Flash: Whats the verdict on Naicos guys? Is he a fade, because he weill cernainly attrack attention from Drew (I think?))
wadaramus: Leake will have to cover Perryman and Roberts in R3
navy_blues: out running them
clay007: Giants pressure is huge.
Hepatitis: Nice to see the pies not good enough to win another flag. Will be like us in a year or two
Capn_Flash: Don’t know if Drew is Port’s tagger, i think he is?
hinsch: If you trade Naicos out who to trade in all the top players will get tagged at sometime
Pokerface: Wada will he even be playing when Green is back?
Noxious: Drew will definitely be on him
Gotigres: Neale now won’t have an early bye
naicosfan: lovely throw
Harambe: Bedford is probably the best match-up for Naicos with his leg speed. Can Drew run with him for four quarters?
naicosfan: why is nick still on the field ffs
navy_blues: naicos is gone
Roarix: Giants pressure in D50 through the roof
Gotigres: Cadman reminds me of Schache
Capn_Flash: Hinsch, a team with two or 3 star mids like Freo or Port or Dogs
Ash777: WHE subbed naicos saved
Ash777: Looks like they planted naicos forward.
navy_blues: surely they cant risk keep playing him atm
Noxious: Don’t think it matters at this stage Harambe, will he even be fit enough to go 4 quarters next week
Fizzy343: this is some braindead coaching tbh, daicos cant move
Birdman18: Watch everyone jump off Daicos now even though it’s just cramp
NickyD: Disgraceful subbing WHE and not NickyD. What is this, amatuer hour?
Fizzy343: agreed nickyd
wadaramus: Get some pickle juice into him!
Harambe: Just a more general observation Noxious. It’s easu to say every team tags Naicos but not every one has a Bedford type
Gotigres: Is Rozee injured?
naicosfan: this score will be in his 3RA, dumb to not jump off with all the value picks this year
Harambe: Lot’s of teams have “stoppage” taggers like Hewett or Dunkley but those types can’t run with Daicos in transistion
naicosfan: not to mention it will be easier to pick him up post bye
Noxious: Yeah I get ya, Drew is pretty fit, see how it goes, first game of the year so see what happens with match fitness
Noxious: Nah tigres, just stubbed his toe apparently and will be good to go, allegedly, heard that before though
Phasir: Crazy how Naicos gets injured or has a niggle when he’s tagged.
Noxious: I cant believe nick is top 4 pies score with 60
Harambe: No doubt Drew has good endurance, more about his leg speed/agility compared to Naicos
Gotigres: Thanks Noxious
Harambe: Taylor intercept marking machine today. What a gun
Gotigres: Rozee back into my side
nbartos: fat ladys standing up
navy_blues: wd giants thought u had no chance today
EvilMonk: oh dear, rip.
Hepatitis: Pies cooked. Great to see
EvilMonk: ffs, we could have kicked it then to literally anyone but Taylor lol.
nbartos: dumb kicking it anywhere near sam taylor
Harambe: Hate to say it but Pendles looking very old and slow
EvilMonk: Why does Dermy call Callaghan – Calligan?
PAFC4eva: Dads army getting tired ?
pcaman2003: Evil. Cos Dermie is a knob.
Noxious: Will Brown ever mark a ball again?
Yelse: literally every time the pies have inside 50 giants too good running it out pies clueless
EvilMonk: kicked to Taylor again…..
Roarix: change the star.. its easily taylor best on
nbartos: no drop punt?
Ash777: Pies remind me of dogs after 2016
navy_blues: its leaking goals
Mantaur: six months in a Leake boat!
Harambe: Dogs weren’t that old Ash
Ash777: They weren’t but they were lazy
nbartos: still got stringer and de goey and houston to come in
Roarix: Derm having a shocker.. Bradley Hill? plays for the saints Derm.. smh
_Wang_: Agreed Roarix he’s been massive
Social: carn the gigantasauruses
pcaman2003: Looks like Leake will be a good, safe bench pick.
Raspel31: My thoughts- and many others pcaman.
Phasir: Leake will be one of the first out for Hogan or Stringer
Harambe: Dunno lads, I reckon Leake is first dropped for Green
Roarix: Hogan is a key and Stringer plays like a key.. Leake isnt a key Phasir
Gotigres: Membrey lol
Phasir: Leake is a medium, same as Stringer
EvilMonk: excellent recruit. Is there any more of a red flag than a St Kilda discard?
Gotigres: Seems like Perryman can only play 3 quarters
Roarix: didnt see what i said? Stringer plays as a key fwd.. Leake isnt..
Ash777: The whole team can only play 3qtrs
pcaman2003: I see more upside for Leake than Stringer.
nbartos: Kelly star
Roarix: And everyone was laughing at the Saints after a 4 goal pre-season game against a vfl standard team..
Phasir: I’m not going to try to convince you Roarix. Watch the ins/outs and remember what I said. Its not a pissing contest.
Roarix: Leake and Stringer arent playing the same roles lads.. smh
Roarix: you dont have to convince me Phasir hahaha. Gruzewski and Brown are only playing cause Hogan and Stringer are out
Harambe: No way Bartos, Kelly good but Taylor and Callaghan have been sensational
EvilMonk: Cameron’s tried hard. I know no Briggs, but our best by far.
Primetime: monty give leake the TOG icon
pcaman2003: Evil. He’s made the most of his opportunity for sure.
Ash777: If briggs wasn’t injured Leake probably would have been subbed.
Raspel31: Briggs-injured?
Primetime: well thanks mr obvious lol
nbartos: fair enough Hara
nbartos: favs on SB are Hawks, Bris, GWS