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Blog log from R13 of 2024: Western Bulldogs vs Brisbane

Blog log for Western Bulldogs vs Brisbane, R13 of 2024

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Liberatore feeds Treloar for a snap from a stoppage 30m out on the flank, Neale is goalkeeper in the square but the ball pitches and goes high over him for the first goal! (Q1 1:37)
Hipwood marks 40m out on the boundary and kicks across the face for a point. (Q1 4:19)
Dale’s short kick in is picked off by Dunkley jumping in front of Liberatore 45m out on a slight angle, he kicks the first for the Lions. (Q1 4:26)
Jones intercepts a McKenna rebound kick at full pace on members wing and bombs on the head of Lester 35m out, Ugle-Hagan bowls him over for a chest mark and his first goal. (Q1 8:33)
Rayner feeds Daniher at a stoppage in the pocket, Joe lumbers onto the left and rams a snap into the far right post from 20m. (Q1 15:03)
Daniher marks 45m out on the flank, his kick starts left and fades in a little but not enough. (Q1 16:49)
Treloar bursts away from Lohmann on a rebound and hits Vandermeer in stride, he goes over Payne to Bontempelli 30m out near the boundary for an impressive goal! (Q1 18:18)
Daniher baulks inside onto his left and screws in a lovely finish from 20m. (Q1 22:37)
Neale jinks away from the chasing Sanders on the HFF and spots up McKenna with a centring ball, he goes further inboard to Hipwood 45m out in the corridor for the go-ahead goal. (Q1 26:49)
Ugle-Hagan wins a ground footy in the pocket and snaps high from 25m for his second goal! (Q1 28:34)
Dunkley sends a high ball from a stoppage on the HFF to the top of the square, Hipwood has position on Jones to take a contested grab for his second. (Q1 30:15)
Reville receives on the end of a switch across midfield started by Cameron, he avoids the chase of Lobb to pass to Daniher in the pocket, who shanks OOTF across the face. (Q2 3:21)
Zorko volleys from a ball up on outer wing, Hipwood gathers and gives to Morris with lovely hands, long ball over the back of Jones to Daniher 15m out for the goal. (Q2 6:22)
Williams goes long to the square, Andrews spoils up the corridor where Liberatore roves but misses from 20m. (Q2 9:27)
Morris roves and breaks two tackles to swerve onto his right boot for an impressive checkside goal from the hotspot! (Q2 10:37)
O’Donnell worries Andrews off a ground ball at half forward to set up Ugle-Hagan to pass to Garcia at the hotspot who misses, disappointingly. (Q2 13:19)
Berry catches Liberatore HTB at a ball up at the Lions hotspot, that one would have been paid before recent rule changes. Berry converts. (Q2 15:52)
The home Bulldog crowd boos lustily at a HTB free against Gallagher to Reville, the kick from 45m on the flank is short and rushed by Jones. (Q2 17:53)
Quick repeat inside 50 from the kick in, Hipwood is feeling it tonight and he snaps his third goal from the square! (Q2 18:22)
Fletcher tumbles the next centre clearance to the hotspot, six-man pack forms, Ah Chee can’t mark but gets a free for an obvious jumper tug by Williams… he misses. (Q2 19:50)
O’Donnell has been switched forward, he tries a checkside off a step from the boundary 25m and curls it in! (Q2 21:23)
Lobb gets the next centre clearance, Macrae roves English’s contest and feeds wide to the pocket for O’Donnell who misses off the left from 20m. (Q2 22:34)
McCluggage feeds Lohmann for a running shot from the hotspot that floats wide left. (Q2 23:50)
McCluggage is involved twice rebounding from deep in defence breaking tackles both times, Morris has Hipwood over the back for goal number four! (Q2 29:01)
Neale flashes through a ball up at the hotspot at full speed and snaps off the left, it’s a wobbler just before the HT siren… goal stands, crowd going ape droppings! (Q2 30:52)
Rayner bursts away from a stoppage on outer wing and goes long to the pocket where Hipwood marks over Jones and plays on into the open goal, Eric is on FIYAH! (Q3 2:09)
Daniher misses from a stoppage in the pocket 20m out. (Q3 4:23)
Rayner bounces a snap wide left from half forward. (Q3 5:17)
Garcia passes short to West 45m out on the flank on the end of a rebound around outer side, he hits the post. (Q3 8:46)
Bontempelli snaps his second goal from 40m after a feed by Sanders. (Q3 10:13)
Both sides exchange turnovers in midfield, eventually Bontempelli passes long over Starcevich to O’Donnell to mark 25m out on a slight angle for another goal to the Doggies. (Q3 12:36)
Reville passes to Rayner in the pocket 25m out who curls in the steadying goal. (Q3 18:45)
McKenna is swamped in possession in the back pocket and gets pinged for HTB under the revised rule, then gobs off to concede 50m and the goal to Garcia. (Q3 23:20)
Neale pokes a pass to the boundary 40m out for Dunkley to mark after the next bounce. Kick is a set up to the square for no score. (Q3 25:17)
Morris roves an Ah Chee contest in the pocket and has Daniher on his own in the square, who gives a Joe the Goose special to Lohmann. (Q3 26:43)
McInerney pushes English in the back in ruck to concede a free just inside 50m on the flank, set up kick is short and rushed by the big O. (Q3 28:57)
Dale is on his own to rove outside a pack near the hotspot but curls his snap across the face for a point. (Q3 30:20)
Dunkley is pinged for a hold on Treloar at the first bounce of Q4, feed for Bontempelli to lope away and hit West with a low dart to the hotspot for the goal. (Q4 0:39)
Starcevich beats Sanders and Gallagher to a crumb at half forward and spots up Neal 40m out on a tight angle, the dual Brownlow Medallist threads the goal, his second! (Q4 2:55)
Neale to Berry for the next centre clearance, Hipwood again beats Jones for a contested grab 30m out on the flank but this set shot is wide right. (Q4 4:40)
Daniel plays on to advantage from a contact free on Ugle-Hagan 20km out in front, he snaps under pressure from 15m in the pocket and burns it. That is a coach killer. (Q4 8:32)
Berry gets a 50m penalty on Macrae at half back to pass to the pocket for Morris 35m out, who misses across the face. (Q4 10:24)
Bailey receives zooming out of a stoppage on the HFF, and kicks off junk time with his first goal from 20m. (Q4 14:14)
Morris marks over Keath 45m out on a slight angle but shanks for no score. (Q4 15:14)
Bontempelli takes a contested pack mark 20m out in front, but his third goal comes too late. (Q4 18:47)
Cameron’s pressure forces Jones to turn the ball over by foot deep in defence, Hipwood marks a centring ball by Lohmann 40m out for goal number six. (Q4 22:39)
Party time for the Lions on a fast break, Daniher kicks over West to Cameron 40m out on a slight angle, who misses. (Q4 26:44)
Lohmann drops a mark at half forward but butters up, shakes a tackle and feeds Bailey for the goal from 40m on a slight angle. (Q4 27:51)

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