Curnow wobbles a kick to the square form the hotspot, McKay provides a crumb for Williams to snap the first goal of the day. (Q1 1:23)
Walsh volleys a loose footy in a pack on the HFF for Fogarty to mark in front of Sexton 30m out, but the Fog misses. (Q1 5:53)
Oliver Hollands runs up members wing and centres for Owies to mark in front of a chuntering Uwland 40m out on a slight angle, he converts. (Q1 8:53)
Miller sharks a floating Acres handball on members wing and sets up Jeffrey to pass for Long 40m out on a slight angle, but the set shot stays right. (Q1 11:41)
Walter is pinged for encroachment to bring Newman from half back to half forward, pass goes to McKay who beats Collins for the mark 40m out on a slight angle but misses. (Q1 16:02)
Owies receives from Kennedy on the HFF and centres for Williams to mark in front of Andrew 15m out on a slight angle, he puts that one through with no problem. (Q1 19:42)
Curnow bounces a snap wide form half forward after the next bounce. (Q1 20:42)
Anderson jets away from Hewett at a stoppage on members wing, his pass goes to King 45m out on a slight angle who boots his first goal. (Q1 22:54)
Ainsworth roves and centres to the corridor for Johnston 45m out, his set shot is also high quality… as is the backflip celebration! (Q1 25:46)
Curnow misses another snap from half forward. (Q2 1:54)
Fantasia passes from outer wing to the lead of McKay 40m out on a slight angle, nothing Collins could do there. McKay’s drop punt is a peach. (Q2 3:57)
The Blues feed by hand from a stoppage on members inside to a shooting position near CHF, Walsh gives to Boyd who blazes just wide right. (Q2 7:09)
Fantasia tries a pressured checkside from near the hotspot that doesn’t turn enough. Needed a left foot there. (Q2 11:03)
Long has not had much influence on the game so far but he bounces through a fabulous finish from the pocket 35m out, making good on a charge by Miller and pass by Lukosius. (Q2 14:53)
Berry’s shot from the HFF lands in the opposite pocket, Holman roves and tries a low-percentage left-foot snap off a step from near the behind post that goes through! (Q2 18:13)
Collins gets a holding free on McKay in the Blues goalsquare but his short pass to the back pocket is picked off by Kennedy, who misses from 20m. (Q2 24:33)
Williams gathers a bounce pass at half forward, jinks and passes for Owies 40m out near the boundary, his set shot falls in the square for no direct score. (Q2 26:03)
Hewett marks at the top of the square behind the pack for the first goal of Q3. (Q3 1:33)
Humphrey passes to the lead of King 35m out on the flank on the end of a rebound around outer wing. King’s set shot is careful and just avoids the far left post for his second. (Q3 3:13)
Williams roves a Ballard drop in the square and snaps his third goal! (Q3 6:38)
Long marks a Berry kick from the HFF up the flank to 20m for his second goal. (Q3 8:33)
Johnston feeds Uwland for a snap from 40m on the flank but Oliver Hollands tackles to skew the kick wide left. (Q3 10:18)
Quick repeat inside 50 after the kick in, King leaps on the back of McGovern to mark a long ball by Clohesy near the hotspot but tugs it left. (Q3 10:48)
Acres juggles a mark over Berry 15m out on a slight angle for his first goal. (Q3 12:48)
Curnow takes a pack mark 20m out for his first goal, after getting a bath by Andrew who had been moved to ruck. (Q3 15:11)
Long taps the crumb from his own contest in the square to King for his third goal. (Q3 18:10)
Walsh feeds Oliver Hollands who kicks from the HFF, looked like an attempted pass but it swerves right for a behind. (Q3 19:49)
Curnow marks on the HFF, wheels and shoots but it’s narrow to the left. (Q3 21:56)
Curnow leaps over Ballard leading in front of Collins to take a contested grab 40m out near the boundary, he delivers a lovely set shot for his second goal! (Q3 23:39)
Witts chips in front of a leading McKay to intercept on outer wing, ump pays 50m for late contact, mark brought to 25m out a slight angle, captain’s goal to a chorus of navy boos! (Q3 25:54)
Weitering falls over to allow King to mark a Lukosius pass uncontested 20m out on a slight angle, but again King tugs the set shot left. (Q3 28:17)
Lukosius juggles a contested mark in front of Kemp 40m out on a slight angle but leaves his set shot right. (Q3 29:07)
Curnow roves his own contest on the HFF and feeds outside to Owies who passes to Kennedy in the pocket 20m out, who curls in the goal off the left. (Q4 1:04)
Cripps is front and centre for a Curnow contest at the top of the square ahead of Anderson for a goal to make it very tough for Gold Coast. (Q4 1:42)
Andrew is out of position for a fast rebound around members wing and gives away a front-on contact free to Curnow 40m out on the flank. Charlie kicks the official sealer. (Q4 4:30)
Fogarty passes to Elijah Hollands 35m out in the pocket whose kick is short for no score. (Q4 8:04)
Williams roves his own contest in front of a four-man pack at the top of the square and snaps off his left over the shoulder for number four! (Q4 10:04)
Ballard flies to spoil Curnow contest 15m out, neither player hears the ump calling touched for a few seconds, finally Charlie twigs and Collins tackles but the snap is good! (Q4 11:25)
Fogarty marks on the HFF within range and centres for Elijah Hollands 45m out on a slight angle, he joins the party. (Q4 14:55)
Humphrey marks a short Jeffrey pass, turns and snaps under pressure by McGovern from the boundary 40m out for a goal to mute the crowd. (Q4 18:44)
Holman roves the next centre clearance by Rowell for some more junk from the hotspot. (Q4 19:34)
Lukosius gets some more junk from the top of the square. (Q4 28:04)
Curnow catches Andrew HTB 40m out in front in the last minute but misses. (Q4 29:50)