Atkins dumps a ball to CHF and Lukosius makes the contest to mark 50m out. Easily within range for the lanky Sun, and he slots the first goal from inside the centre square!
MacPherson coughs it up on the defensive flank and the Swans move it inside 50. It gets a bit scrappy but eventually Rowbottom shovels a kick out to Heeney who marks and goals! (Q1 4:26)
Lukosius marks 65m out and pops it up to the pack where Casboult leads up to mark! Levi kicks from 20m out in front of goal, but misses! (Q1 6:44)
Flanders ends up with ball in hand after a ball up in the forward 50. He weaves through a couple Sydney players and snaps through a brilliant goal! (Q1 9:46)
Ainsworth delivers the ball into the pocket where it’s knocked down by Lukosius right into the hands of Ellis who immediately spins goalward and dribbles through a goal! (Q1 14:37)
Sydney work it inside 50 to Gulden, to Rowbottom and then to Wicks who decides to take the snap shot from 35m out, and misses to the near side (Q1 17:12)
A bullet pass to Wicks on the flank is good, as Sam goes for a big snap from 40m out, but can’t bend it back
Fox gathers on the flank and after a shimmy sends an elite kick into the pocket for Heeney. Heeney marks, snaps and bends it through for his second goal! (Q1 24:19)
Sydney go coast to coast ending with a slick handball to Rowbottom who dribbles it through with a solid break in the square! (Q1 26:51)
A shocking kick from Florent sees Holman pounce and quickly snap through a goal from nothing! (Q1 29:02)
Hayward is infringed by Ballard in the pocket, resulting in a free kick that is taken quickly and converted! (Q2 1:55)
The ball finds its way down to Hayward again in the pocket, and once again plays on quickly and snaps through another goal! (Q2 3:19)
Gold Coast respond quickly with a pass to Casboult on the lead. He steers it through the big sticks! (Q2 5:14)
A high snap is called touched and play on, but is smashed through for a rushed behind by McCartin regardless (Q2 6:30)
Ainsworth finds himself in acres of space and marks a quick kick out the back. He lines up from 40m out, but sprays it to the left for a point (Q2 12:04)
Rosas takes a tumbling mark after a scrappy entry inside 50, gives his hand a shake after a small knock, and proceeds to miss the kick to the right (Q2 13:09)
A cheap turnover by Francis results in a simple kick to Miller who has the space on Gulden. Miller coolly slots the goal! (Q2 14:49)
Papley tries a kick on goal, but misses to the left (Q2 15:37)
Holman hacks a kick from congestion on the wing and finds Lukosius 35m out as he’s collected front on by McCartin after the fact. No 50, but Lukosius kicks the goal all the same! (Q2 18:14)
The ball spills around inside the Swans forward 50 but an opening presents for McDonald who snatches the ball up and prods it through quickly! (Q2 20:54)
Cunningham blasts the ball deep and the pack stays down which allows Hayward to just waltz forward and mark uncontested. Hayward kicks his third goal in the quarter from 30m out! (Q2 24:55)
Day marks deep in the pocket but tries to square it up to Miller and the Swans converge leaving Anderson out the back to curl through a slick goal! (Q2 27:23)
Rowell gets the tap-down to enable Rosas streaming past who snaps under pressure and goals! (Q2 29:39)
McDonald rockets it towards goal and McLean is able to mark strongly on the goal-line. McLean snaps it through! (Q2 31:11)
McLean is infringed and Warner takes advantage, kicking deep to McDonald in the pocket who marks with seconds remaining. The siren sounds and McLean snaps it through! (Half Time)
Rowbottom finds Papley with a neat kick and the crafty small punts it through the goals to open Q3! (Q3 2:15)
Rosas cleans up the mess at half forward and threads it through a couple of defenders to hit back instantly! (Q3 3:13)
McLean cannot get to a Hayward kick, but it pops up for Amartey who then taps it down to McLean. A snap and a goal for Hayden! (Q3 6:33)
Fox is pinged for a hold on Holman 35m out directly in front of goal, but to the jubilation of the crowd, Holman sprays it right (Q3 9:00)
Gulden kicks along the boundary to Hayward who then passes to Amartey. Amartey gets cramped on the goal-line but pops it through for a goal! (Q3 14:43)
A long kick by Hollands floats into the square where Stephens misses everything trying to spoil. Rosas stays low, gathers, and snaps it through! (Q3 17:23)
Warner receives directly from a forward stoppage and dashes away into the pocket to gain space. He snaps for goal and somehow curls through a screamer! (Q3 19:26)
Papley surges out of the centre bounce and finds McDonald in the pocket with a kick from 55. McDonald steadies himself and the Swans lead by 15 with a goal! (Q3 20:23)
Hayward is blocked out of a contest by Ballard and wins a free kick as a result. Hayward slots it for his fourth goal as Sydney put the hammer down! (Q3 25:58)
Rowell kicks towards the square and Sam Day, but the Swans converge to affect the mark. Humphrey tries to recover and sneak it through, but the ball is rushed over (Q3 28:15)
Papley gathers from Heeney on the flank and launches a big kick from 55m out on the run, but the ball bobbles up on the line and Ballard rushes it over, confirmed on review (Q3 29:54)
An errant Miller handpass goes to Mills who snaps quickly at goal, but can’t bend it through (Q3 31:47)
Lukosius collects on the flank and takes his shot from 50m out, Day tracks back but McCartin gets there to spoil it over (Q4 4:32)
Casboult delivers deep inside 50 trying to find Lukosius, but he cannot complete the mark as Blakey and McCartin get back (Q4 7:16)
Casboult marks 50m out from goal and backs himself in, but his kick is errant and the Suns are running out of chances to take (Q4 9:48)
Amartey is blocked out of the contest by Andrew which sees the Sydney tall line up from 35m out. Amartey misses (Q4 12:38)
Lukosius now with a set shot from range, and he too misses as the behinds stack up for the Suns (Q4 14:10)
Gulden dumps it towards goal but the ball is offline and is tapped over by Andrew (Q4 16:10)
Papley goes in and under to extract the ball from a forward stoppage, flicks a handpass to Matt Roberts who snaps and kicks his first goal in the AFL! (Q4 17:07)
Cunningham roams forward to mark a backwards pass 45m out from goal. He loads up and kicks truly, but with the umpire taken out it’s reviewed, and the goal stands! (Q4 19:57)
Papley bullocks through traffic and enables Warner to dash forward and slot his second goal! (Q4 24:09)
Sam Day has a set shot chance, but he adds another behind to the tally (Q4 24:09)
Humphrey sells the candy and kicks a bullet to the chest of Casboult who marks 40m out from goal. He finally kicks that goal for the Suns, but deep in junk time (Q4 26:57)
Tsitas slots a nice goal from 45m out, helping himself to some junk in the final minute (Q4 28:52)