frenzy: well done saints signing Jack Hayes, nice touch
DEESareSAD: Why didn?t Owens look like this when I started him
_Wang_: Only Sinclair for me in this one
DEESareSAD: Wow, that?s why I got Sinclair in. 17 points for that lol, should?ve been like 12 IMO
Social: I’ve got eyebrows mcgee, need a big one from him
Raspel31: Whoops- nobody in this muppet game- hasta la vista.
Yelse: resisted bringing in sinclair this week coz of the bye
pharace: @Dee – becuase that was work experience, this is now job training by being a Tag!
pharace: Hilarious 20 mins in and 8 comments in total. Everything is good Gil
Stu7: Come on Gresham
Ooost: Sinclair 😀
Ninty: Not sure if FF chat is the marker on how the footy is going lol
pcaman2003: Don’t know where Gresham is,but he’s not contesting the ball. The invisible man.
Ninty: Xerri is my R1 this week. Time to quit 🥵 at least Sinclair has started well
bhg26: Mitchito coming back from the dead
rupertmarn: Michito Owens is back in town. Glad I kept him!
CaptainWho: Embarrassed to say I?m glad I held Owens, now hopefully he can get some games and make me some coin
HolyNorf: Horrible crowd numbers, who cares, Low FF chat numbers is what matters
bhg26: These two teams had to play each other at some stage lol
_Wang_: Sinclair what a fuckin boss
Ooost: A lot of Jmac abuse yesterday, perhaps they are still tired out from yelling at the screen
rupertmarn: Michito on track for a big 100. Mama Mia.
HolyNorf: Smith being out changed my trade to Sinclair, no complaints so far
Yelse: why did i not take sinclair today
Yelse: seems that ppl don’t care about this game
Ooost: HolyNorf same here.
Ninty: a league couldn?t even sell out the grand final and 119k tv numbers. AFL is going fine lol.
bhg26: Brought in Sinclair and English this week, pretty happy
Urbs: Not a bad effort from Anderson
Ooost: English and Sinclair, prime picks. English for me next week (willing to give rd 13 away)
Manowar: H-Francis looks like he has already checked out, don’t blame him!
original: Goooo Anderson
Ninty: wanted to see how English went coming back with Sweet. Obviously shouldn?t have been concerned but it was only Eagles
Stu7: Go Sinhair
original: Stop Sinclair
CaptainWho: Good boy sinkers! Keep going bruv
Wahab_18: Come on gresh fire up
Stu7: Ninty – English is a gun
Stu7: Make some money Owens
Stu7: So glad I ditched HORNE
Social: Gresh, put the tweezers down and get a kick ffs
Stu7: Come on Saints kick straight
original: Go Jed Anderson you star. (Bench cover in draft)
Stu7: Good stuff Owens
bhg26: Michito could be a handy rookie during the byes
bhg26: This game is fucking atrocious
Stu7: The kicking is sh1te from St Kilda yet again
Ninty: Xerri has gone backwards this quarter 🙂
Wahab_18: Gresham ffs come on man
Ooost: I might crack 2600 if projections hit the target. Good week with Preuss and Smith out
Stu7: Off the bench Gresham you lazy sod
pcaman2003: Geez Gresham. Can you go and get the footy please and dispose of it properly? StKilda paying you too much.
Stu7: Nice goal Sharman
rupertmarn: Nothing rhymes with ‘Michito’.
duckky: initio is close
bigpens: Mojito
Stu7: Nice work Gresham
rupertmarn: Nice work @Bigpens
Stu7: You must be happy with Jed original
Ooost: Sinclair you ripper!
pcaman2003: Anderson showing Gresham how it’s done.
Stu7: Good work Ooost
Hazza09: Ofcourse Sinclair going 150
rupertmarn: Michito has already scored 18 times more than his round 1 score.
Social: Jade Gresham to the Principal’s office please, Jade Gresham
StuL: Xerri going backwards
amigaman: How does Xerri get a game in advance of CCJ?
rupertmarn: Why do people still have Xerri?
Ninty: Had others to trade off first, and then he ended up being on ground with Preuss out. Yuck
Hazza09: Carroll is the sub, ffs
Ninty: Xerri?s average before today was 81. Would take half of that at this rate
hinsch: WCE vs NM is going to be a great game.
beerent11: Already happened hinsch
beerent11: Was a high quality affair
beerent11: Goldy!
Baldfrog: Beer will norf and WC do rock paper scissors to see who finishes last?
beerent11: Thumbwrestle
Baldfrog: lol and loser gets investigated for tanking!
pcaman2003: I guess Gfreenwood isn’t enjoying his time at North. He’s a nothing player now compared to previously.
rupertmarn: Michito Owens has come to play
beerent11: One thing about norf is you can?t question their endeavour. Wet toast not so much.
oc16: pcaman he’s probably just content with his paycheck, doesn’t need to do anything else now
Ninty: I traded Owens to D Stephens in R3. Might as well have kept him 😫
Ooost: Gresham looking to get a respectable score now Gresham owners.
pcaman2003: oc16. You’re probably right. He’s done nothing this year.
pcaman2003: Ooost. Gresh finally coming alive since half time. Took a long time to wake up.
rupertmarn: Ninty it was the correct move. I wanted to but had other pressing matters
HolyNorf: Sinclair saving one of my shittest rounds of the year
Ooost: I did the same thing Ninty
Ninty: @rupert wouldn?t have been so bad if Stephens didn?t spud it up and get dropped lol
Ooost: pcaman you’d have to be happy with 90 from gresh considering where he came from..
pcaman2003: After lousy 1st half,good comeback Gresh.
pcaman2003: Ooost. I f not for those 2 consecutive clangers just then, probably would’ve tonned up.
Stu7: Gresham great come back
pcaman2003: Ooost. I take that back. DID ton up! Lol!
Ooost: a goal to boot!
Jukesy: Atlas icon for Jed Anderson surely
Social: Nice one Gresh
pcaman2003: Gresh goal to be added to his 92 yet.