Updated (No Whitfield!) - My first year playing, rate my team please!

Started by RookieDTer, February 16, 2013, 09:04:48 PM

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Hmm, okay. Fine, I'll listen :P

Goddard, Gibbs, Heppel, Broughton, Pittard, Terlich (B. Goodes, Docherty).

Ablett, Beams, Dangerfield, Fyfe, Monfries, Embley, Wines, O'Meara (Crouch, Viney)

Cox, Leunerberger (Witts, Moller)

Rockliff, Robinson, Roughead, Walker, Varcoe, Byrnes, (Macaffer, Lee)

Is Witts best R3? Or Currie? Or Rowe? Or???

If B. Goodes doesn't get upgraded from Rookie List.... what's the point of having him? Who to trade him for? Stevenson? Laird? Assuming I choose Stevenson, will have $16.7k left over. If I keep B. Goodes, will have $3.9k.

-Whitfield + Fyfe
-Jenkins + Lee
-Birchall +Broughton

I only had three above $360k in midfield, so now I have 4, which I think is probably the better number, to be honest. And, no-one here like Whitfield. Few comments he doesn't have the body for it.

I had Byrnes wasted on my bench, so shouldn't be losing out too much from going Jenkins to Byrnes. I will keep an eye on Lee, but looks promising, I guess? That, or Kerridge if he gets named, esp. since he is DPP.

Would rather Birchall than Broughton... but, Broughton isn't a bad choice.... and, whilst GCS are probably still crap, Hawks do have a tough first seven weeks or so, so not too worried about not having Birchall. Especially if he gets tagged a bit more this year anyway.

-Stevie J + Robinson. This is a bit of a downgrade, but Robinson looks alright, and Stevie J is out for Round 1. Thought about keeping Stevie J in, but, needed the money to do the other trades ^^^, and those other trades improve the team, so. I do have two mid priced forwards in Varcoe and Byrnes who I will look to upgrade to Stevie J.

People you probably don't like it:
Moller, Walker and Monfries.
I have three rucks who should play weekly, Witts and Roughead.... I'm banking on not needing a R4. Would like Currie/Row/etc, esp. for Cash Cow perspective.... but, I have $4k cash and don't think it is worth it at the moment.

I like Walker, AFC supporter, so maybe I'm talking with my heart.... but, with Jenkins, McKernan and Walker all there, I think opposition teams will struggle to man them all and Walker should be able to have a great season. He was fourth in goal kicking last season, with Tippet there. Could easily get Coleman medal, in which case he is underpriced.

Monfries, want a mid-pricer DPP in midfield.... think he is the best value.



Or, could do:
-Heppel + Suban
-Monfries + Scott Selwood
-Moller + Currie

Heppel to Suban is a downgrade, but http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-02-20/suban-in-the-centre looks promising.

I'm happy with Scott Selwood this year, not sure why - can't put my finger on it... but, gives me a unique premo who I don't think is overpriced....

Moller to Currie will generate me more cash - Moller won't increase in value, whereas Currie could easily give me a quick $50k if I'm lucky.... or even $150k over the season? A R4 that should get a game is also nice...

Leaves me with $14k left over, compared with $4k....

Positives are above^

Negatives are, lose my only DPP midfielder, lose Monfries who I like this year... downgrade Defense, is it to too weak? Goddard, Gibbs, Broughton, Suban, Pittard, Terlich (Brett Goodes, Docherty)...


hey mate not a bad team for a first year ... when i first did one 3 seasons ago i stuffed my season by loading up on collingwood players :P but back then we only got 24 trades a year and i wasted all mine by round 12 ... anywho i like it.

my suggestions would be as follows

LUKE BALL! ... Only 300,00 due to injury but capable of 100+ ... too cheap to pass up and embley is in the same boat but i see you have him  :) ... maybe fyfe or monfries would be a good spot for ball ... that gives you a bit of cash maybe upgrade broughton or heppel for grimes?? but then again heppel is a solid choice ...  and id maybe look at getting murphy in the mid somewhere too should have a good crack at it this year ...

im still learning about this too so dont take me as gospel but these are a few players that are looking the goods this year ... hope it helps


Quote from: St8iZ85 on February 22, 2013, 09:39:01 PM
im still learning about this too so dont take me as gospel but these are a few players that are looking the goods this year ... hope it helps
Thanks for that, this thread has certainly helped me improve, and I know I should do better than most first years :)

I put 30 mins of research in, and not convinced of Ball.
were too negative for me.
http://dreamteamtalk.com/2013/01/10/luke-ball-deck-of-dream-team-2013/ was fairly positive.... but, only a "Queen" rating...

Certainly, if he is playing the first few games and looks good, certainly an option for upgrading a Rookie to?

Why do you like Murphy?

Given my current team, what do you think of the following three trades?

-Heppel + Suban
-Monfries + Scott Selwood
-Moller + Currie

Or, do you think my current team is stronger?


Updated after some more NAB Cup action:

Goddard, Gibbs, Heppel, Hartlett, Pittard, Terlich (B. Goodes, Stevenson).

Ablett, Pendles, Dangerfield, Murphy, Monfries, Embley, Wines, O'Meara (Crouch, Viney*)

Cox, Leunerberger (Currie, Rowe)

Rockliff, Robinson, Roughead, Cloke, Varcoe, Byrnes, (Macaffer, Lee)

*Will likely become Kerridge if named R1

LOL @ Thread title... I see Whitfield topped GWS's dream team points tonight! Don't know about you, but, I think if he can get as many points tonight every game, he would be the single best pick of the year....

Hmm, could do -Embley, -Monfries +Whitfield +Wright... probably would need one more good pre-season game from Whtifield before I knee-jerked him in though?