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Best 22 for 2013

Started by Mailman the 2nd, October 20, 2012, 04:56:44 PM

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Mailman the 2nd

This is assuming we have Tippett btw (not that I really care) and that we don't immediately draft a starting 22 player somehow.
I'll try to make some justifications about people who seem iffy and such.

Please put in your own suggestions as I'm only one person blah blah etc.

Back:   N. Smith   T. Richards   M.Mattner

H-B:  R. Shaw   H. Grundy   A. Johnson

Centre: D.Hannebery     R. O'Keefe   J.McVeigh

Half F:  L.Jetta     S.Reid      A.Goodes

F:   B. Mcglynn    K. Tippett G. Rohan

Fol: S.Mumford J. Kennedy K. Jack

Int: L. Roberts-Thompson C. Bird N. Malceski L. Parker


Basically barring injury it won't change at all. Armstrong and Everitt are there in case there are concerns


None will move from the side


Obviously I've assumed that Rohan is fit. I don't actually know when he'll be back (I'm guessing like round 8 ) but he's in the side because he's best 22 stuff. Where Goodes/Reid will go if Tippett arrives is speculative as well.


All fine


Malceski is an auto-pick. Given what LRT has shown he comes in front of the unlucky Pyke :( Bird and Parker are highly versatile tagging/inside players, one of them being the sub.

Fringe looking in (players in jersey order)

6. Mitchell - Think he'll have to wait another season. Might get a debut.

7. Meredith - Unlikely anything will happen

8. TDL - If he does well in the preseason he could push out Morton and the injured Rohan. Otherwise no real chance.

10. Morton - He'll fill in for Rohan and will be 1st or 2nd emergency other weeks.

11. Lamb - idk.

13. Everitt - No place in the backline so has to be a forwardline spot to try and snag.

17. Walsh - With Tippett, he'll need to wait a season or so.

18. White - About to leave. Won't get games if he stays.

19. Armstrong - High up in the line for a small back/mid replacement means he'll see at least 6 or so games.

23. Lockyear - Nope

27. Spangher - Injuries have basically meant his playing career is over.

36. Brown - nope

38. Pyke - Tippett basically pushes him out. Any of Mumford, Tippett or LRT goes down and he'll be in though.

45. Gordon - I know you like him tabs. Don't think he's looking at gametime though.


Yeah looks about right mate. Morton and pike are utterly stiff to miss out being premiership players. I think tippett will play purely forward and both pike and mummy will still play. Bird/parker would be the unlucky one to go out imo.  Morton deserves to start oer rohan to, but everyone is in love with rohan so he wont be too far out of the action. Gonna  be there abouts again


Yeah, whilst Morton is a gun, Rohan more than fulfils our need for speed. Whilst I agree that he should be named in the forward pocket, I wouldn't be surprised to see him playing on a wing with Jetta. Imagine Jetta's running and running and running goal against Collingwood in the finals, but handpassing it back and forth between him and Rohan  :o :o :o 


this looks like a similar topic from red and white?? bloods1984??

Pyke and Morton would be very stiff to miss out after the GF, especially Pyke who had a blinder.

What about Bolton?? Have you drawn the curtain, loaded the shotty and told him to close his eyes!!

I would agree with your team but have Bolton in dont really know if everyuone is fit. Chances are that Rohan wont play till half way through the season atleast, so Rohan.

I will take the cheap way out and name the top 24.
B - Smith, Richards, Mattner
HB - Shaw, Grundy, Johnson
C - Hannebery, Bolton, McVeigh
HF - Jetta, Reid, O'Keefe
F - Mcglynn, Tippett, Goodes, 
Fol - Mumford, Kennedy, Jack
Int - LRT, Bird, Malceski, Parker, Pyke, Rohan

Mailman the 2nd

Yeah I knew I forgot someone. Rohan in for Bolton.

Someone will probs be injured by the time Rohan is back


Bumping since I have logged my opinion in another post.

Tabs team (without Tippett) looks pretty right to me.

TABS best 24 would be

B - Smith, Richards, Mattner
HB - Shaw, Grundy, Johnson
C - Hannebery, Bolton, McVeigh
HF - Jetta, Reid, O'Keefe
F - Mcglynn, Goodes, Rohan
Fol - Mumford, Kennedy, Jack
Int - LRT, Bird, Malceski, Parker, Pyke, Morton

Mailman the 2nd

That's good

Now I can move MIKE PYKE back in the side  ;D


Not the best 22. But since we didnt discuss the Round 1 22. Here it is.

B: Rhyce Shaw, Heath Grundy, Nick Smith
HB: Martin Mattner, Ted Richards, Nick Malceski
C: Ben McGlynn, Daniel Hannebery, Lewis Jetta
HF: Kieren Jack, Sam Reid, Ryan O'Keefe
F: Mike Pyke, Adam Goodes, Jude Bolton
Foll: Shane Mumford, Josh Kennedy, Jarrad McVeigh
I/C: Tony Armstrong, Luke Parker, Dane Rampe, Lewis Roberts-Thomson
Emg: Andrejs Everitt, Jed Lamb, Jesse White

Surprised both Mattner and Smith are playing since they havent had long preseasons.


So the Canuck has signed a new deal but Mummy is yet to re-sign. Pyke looked good today as a leading forward and smashed the hitouts.

Doesnt sound like Armstrong and Rampe will be back soon judging from Horse's comments
I think Everitt will be used as a wet weather specialist only and wont play when it is dry.

My Chumps

I like Armstrong! I was hoping he'd take AJ's spot but awell.

Best XXII for the end of the season:

B: Rhyce Shaw, Ted Richards, Nick Smith
HB: Marty Mattner, Heath Grundy, Nick Malceski
C: Dan Han, Ryan O'Keefe, Jarrad McVeigh
HF: Lewis Jetta, Sam Reid, Jude Bolton
F: Ben McGlynn, K Tip, Adam Goodes
Followers: Shane Mumford, Josh Kennedy, Kieran Jack
I/C: Craig Bird, Mike Pyke, Luke Parker SUPER SUB: Gary Rohan
Emg: Andrejs Everitt, Tony Armstrong, LRT

Very similiar to most of your teams but thats my own take on it.