2013 Player Profile: Michael Johnson

Started by LaHug, September 26, 2012, 04:03:03 PM

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Michael Johnson - Fremantle Dockers (requested by Adamant)

Position: DEF/FWD

Price: $424,500 (Fanplanner)

2011 Games: 22

2012 Games: 22

2011 Average: 64.4

2012 Average: 82.5

2012 Tons: 7

Interesting stat: Before the bye, he averaged 91.6 from 11 games. After the bye, he only averaged 73.4 from the same number. Could somebody with more Fremantle knowledge let me know if there was a role change?

Summary: To get 7 tons as a forward or a back is pretty handy but it was his consistency that really hurt last season. He had 5 scores 60 or under and 9 scores under 75. He's about to turn 28 so I don't think a breakout is around the corner but last year was definitely his best season. The good thing is that he's able to be picked as a back or a forward. The bad thing is that he's too expensive for a midpricer and probably not good enough for a premium. What happened rounds 13-23?!

Verdict: Pass unless you really need his DPP (might want a Bock/Johnson combo) or if someone can explain the second half of the season and why it won't happen again.

LH's prediction: About the same as last season - 83


I might be wrong but I believe Johnson spent more to forward in the second half as opposed to being the link out of defence role he played in the first half.


I think some of it had to do with other players missing games...
Duffield missed rounds 11, 13, 14
Broughton missed rounds 17 through to 23...


Good write up LaHug. Wont start with MJ, but may look at him as an upgrade if he maintains that 85+ avg.


Nope. No way, no possibility, kill it with fire.


Justin Bieber



bought him in rd12 (i think) and he turned to NeverPickAgain territory

won't touch with a 10 foot pole


Quote from: pommyadam on September 26, 2012, 11:54:25 PM
bought him in rd12 (i think) and he turned to NeverPickAgain territory

won't touch with a 10 foot pole
Did the exact same thing ::)