Started by superbot, March 23, 2012, 12:30:41 AM

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Backs:    Goddard, Deledio, H.Shaw, Broughton, Golby, P.Bower, B.Ellis    Sub: T.mohr, T.Bugg
Mids:      Ablett, Rockliff, J.Selwood, B.Vince, S.clifton, D.Shiel                Sub: J.McDonald, J.Magner
Rucks:    Mumford, Giles,                                                                    Sub Redden, O.Stephenson
Forwards: Franklin, Fyfe, Martin, Sidebottom, Dangerfield, Porps, D.Smith  Sub: D.pfeiffer, A.Hall

$$ 5,800
should i swap Golby for Malceski and have cheaper rookies or keep it like this? Ideas please!! :)


definatly get rid of golby,

dont know anything about clifton but there are better mid options out there i am sure


Golby is an interesting one for you. Performed well in NAB cup for Lions.  Will get games at Brisbane early due to delayed return of Drummond and the possibility of Merrett being used forward till Brown returns.  Concern I have would be Job security after Round 3 but he has put his hand up to be part of the 22 and if he maintains form will be hard to leave out of the team.  IMO Docherty will now have to unseat him to get back into team.
Malceski is returning from knee surgery and after this surgery some return to previous form but others do not, so that is a risk.
Liked Clifton from the start being a mature aged player who scored well in the sub competitions and may be better suited to AFL then the teenagers..  Do not know why he he is named as emergency may be something there. Maybe look at alternates if unsure.
Bower Interesting Pick as well .  Will he be named. If Bower and Golby both named would reatin your team.
Partial lockout is killing us having to wait till next Thursday for balance of teams.
Just a suggestion may be worth playing Reddan rather than Giles. Giles is up against Mumford and may be smashed whereas reddan is up against McEvoy and may hold his own.

Very Sound Team


Quote from: ArthurDent on March 23, 2012, 03:58:14 AM
definatly get rid of golby,

dont know anything about clifton but there are better mid options out there i am sure
thanks for the idea mate but i think i will stick with Golby and see how he goes. have hopes in him after the NAB cup.


Thanks for the useful info Ringo
hopefully Bower is named and Golby kesps his spot
and i swapped clifton for A.kennedy as hes named as emergency

and any thought about M.Clarke ?


Personally a bit iffy about Clarke,  Whether I was expecting too much as a mature age player and returning to original club not sure. IMO was disappointing in NAB Cup. Has good potential for cash gain if he can average 75/80 points which he did at Pies in 2008. What role will he play in pies defensive line and this may effect output?


thanks ringo! Did some changes and heres my team now

Backs:    Goddard, Deledio, H.Shaw, Broughton, J.Adcock, B.Ellis, T.Bugg   Sub: T.mohr, B.Smedts
Mids:      Ablett, Rockliff, J.Selwood, Caddy, D.Shiel, J.McDonald                Sub: A.Kennedy, J.Magner
Rucks:    Mumford, Redden,                                                                    Sub Giles, O.Stephenson
Forwards: Franklin, Fyfe, Martin, Sidebottom, Dangerfield, Porps, D.Smith  Sub:. D.pfeiffer, A.Saad

$$ 95,000
is that a better line up mate?