RUCK/MID rooks read and vote and leave your thoughts please

Started by Colliwobblers, January 27, 2012, 08:22:44 PM

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Which one of these options will score highest?

2 gun 2 rook RUCK / + 3 gun / barlow / 4 rook mid (lets just say)
16 (64%)
1 gun 3 rook RUCK / + 4 gun / barlow / 3 rook mid (lets just say)
7 (28%)
it would make no difference to score /upgrades / cashcows / anything
2 (8%)

Total Members Voted: 1


OK I know it's been asked in a hundred different ways in a hundred different threads, BUT

We have 2 schools of thought this year that strike me as the 2 most popular options in regards to rucks.

I don't want to ask like all the other posts "what are the best rucks" or which rucks are you having"

This is about set - up and the reason being there is the option to have 2 premium rucks 2 rookie rucks, or the other option i think popular is the 1 premium ruck 3 rookie rucks.

All the other options i don't rate, too much risk, too many unknowns for this point of the season, obviously a mid priced ruck may stand up and beg considering but not yet, and then the bravest of us may go 4 rooks i have seen it suggested....


option 1. 2 premium 2 rooks = (lets just say) 3 premium mids / barlow / 4 mid rooks.

option 2. 1 premium 3 rooks = (lets just say) 4 premium mids / barlow / 3 mid rooks.


My question, which option scores the best for the rounds it takes to upgrade (option 1.) your first MID , to equal option 2. AND for (option 2.) to upgrade one of the rookie rucks to a premium to equal option 1.

My thoughts on this are 3 rookie rucks gives you a great midfield and a HUGE capacity to outscore otehr teams with 2 premium rucks, but does it?

the mid rook will outscore the ruck rook and the mid premium will outscore the ruck premium, but does it balance out.

ALSO, will the rookie ruck be ready to upgrade as fast as the midfield rook, or faster?

SO with all the dribble i just burdened you with that do you think??


well depends which premium mid you would have for option 2. it pretty much comes down to a mid vs ruc.

A selwood will outscore a mumford

But a shiel will outscore a giles.

Personally if you have the cash Premium Mid/Rook will outscore Premium Ruck/Better Rook.


thanks theflyinghawk, assuming you can have ANY premium mid instead of the premium ruck also who could be any.

I guess the main point is, Is there a risk or is it stupid to go the 3 rookie ruck option or is it actually smart or does it make no difference.

Mathematically speaking.....

Football Factory

I have gone slightly different im going with a premium and midpriced ruck 4 premium mids and turning 2 of my midpriced forwards into premiums with the money i save on the ruck. I would rather have an extra premium forward than defender because i think they will score more. Mid rooks will make you the most cash assuming there is enough of them i think you would be better off with 4 premium mids and 4 rooks. But to answer your question i would agree with what the flyinghawk said the premium mid will outscore the premium ruck you would think


thanks FF, i guess you could keep the 4/4 set up in the mids and make teh question the same but in relation to an "extra" forward premium.


I think if your going to have 3 rookie rucks the money should be spent on a 5th forward instead of a 5th mid

Currently have Cox and West in my rucks and 4 super premiums in all the other lines

Football Factory

These byes and new prices has definitely got the brain box working overtime thats for sure


I'm just gunna lock in Jacobs & Mumford. Then have two rookies on bench.


i had hoped for an outpouring of support and wisdom advising 3 rookie rucks after been sold myself on set and forget for so long, but deep down i think i knew it wasn't going to happen. sigh but the round 1 midfield would have been a nice read.

Jacobs and mummy nice picks too, not sold on the burger train ? don't trust sandi :) im as tired of talking rucks as i am of talking byes  ::) but it can only help..


Only problem with the Jacobs & Mumford combo for myself is the byes.

When I pick my team. I'll be having:

+other GWS rookies

I'm hoping before round 11 some of my GWS rookies will have gone. Or it hangs upon my 4th ruck to back up.....


A lot of talk about this strategy, I’m all for the Rucks to be “Set and Forget”

I’ve seen a lot of people summing it up as  Selwood/Giles Vs Leuenberger/Shiels Just like
The Flying Hawk did.  But when you do the sums it’s actually Selwood and Giles Vs Leunenberger and Shiels + 81,000.

To do the Sums without the cash taking into consideration, I predict Selwood (115) + Giles (70)  Vs Leuenberger (95) and Shiels (75) so the numbers are in favour of the Premium. Now I have been conservative with Leuenberger numbers he may have another 5 points and we seen last year (Curnow) that a mid Rook could average another 10 on top of Shiels.

The main reason people are going for this strategy was the success of Smith last year, I don’t think Giles will be as good as Smith last year. Fraser had the ability to play forward giving Smith more Ruck time. Brogan can’t play forward as well as Fraser did, couple this with GWS having Cameron, Izzy and Setanta i don’t see a lot of time in the forward for either Ruckman

Other contributing factors:
80k could be spent upgrading a mid-pricer to a premium i.e Brown to a Sidebottom possibly making the points up and also potentially saving a trade.
The 5th best Rookie mid will make more cash then 3rd best Rookie Ruck
Better Ruck coverage during the Byes


i think im starting the season with 13 round 11 bye players, but i figure i can get rid of 5 by the start of round 10, you will have to play mummy round 11 and a rook, and jacobs round 12 with a rook, but we all will have to play a rook on two of the bye rounds, just hope we have one thats playing :)

Please don't get me started on the byes my head will explode i haven't drunk nearly enough...


@ Lions01 - point well made and the poll backs you up. Well said i think that will be the way to go unless as said previously a mid pricer steps up and claims a spot.

Still I feel we will see a LOT of teams in 2012 with 3 rookie rucks...


Both have their upside and both could work equally as good.

I'm leaning towards the 2Prem/2Rooks setup as last year my Rucks were all over the show. I went in with Cox, Vickery, Smith and Bailey. Vickery had great form in the Nab and i like to throw a unique in my team. I eventually traded him to McCauley at round 6ish and went with Cox and Smith for a while. Then got a Sandi when he retured so wasted another trade to get Goldstein

So to sum up my ruck last year i leaked a heap of points and burnt 3 trades so not this year!!!


Quote from: Colliwobblers on January 27, 2012, 10:00:56 PM
i think im starting the season with 13 round 11 bye players, but i figure i can get rid of 5 by the start of round 10, you will have to play mummy round 11 and a rook, and jacobs round 12 with a rook, but we all will have to play a rook on two of the bye rounds, just hope we have one thats playing :)

Please don't get me started on the byes my head will explode i haven't drunk nearly enough...

;D ;D ;D
Yeah does do ya head in! Ive just logged on so might be reading this the wrong way, as i have had way enough to drink lol. But if your talking rucks and playing a ruck rook on two of the buy rounds, woulndn't another option be to upgrade to say cox after rnd 11 hence only needing one rookie for rd 11. Or am i way of mark and had too many beers. It's hard enough to get ya head around when ya sober. Anyway my solution was stick to the tried and trusted, set and forget 2 prems and 2 rook rucks as cover and cash cows. It's alot easier on the brain plus rookie mids make more as previously mentioned Thats my 2 cents, sorry i couldn't be of more help. Happy planning :)