Jack Redpath

Started by DT Gun, January 18, 2012, 06:05:14 PM

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DT Gun

Have you seen the size of this unit!

Could be a good prospect. Although he is on the rookie list, he is a great set shot, strong and tested very well in the speed testing!



Wow he's a massive unit!!
And mature age you never no could see some games, but i think they will go with Jones and spindleshanks first



I think he's done a few bicep curls  ;)

DT Gun

Who would you rather crash a pack, him or Panos? haha

They were talking up Panos, and i know Panos is an elite kick for goal, but this guy would have a presence, and he is quick too!



Not bad, big guns thats for sure. Will he get games though ?


Jones and Panos are way ahead


Haha... rename this thread, "Redpath forum of love"  ;D


its a matter of when they play him, but built like that if he can kick and take a mark over his head he could turn out to be a nother browndog when he was at his best, hard to move to say the least. as for crashing packs thats just scary.

But IMO if there is one thing the doggies need more than anything it is a true KPForward. If they were smart and this guy was half good they would get him in asap. Tall strong can kick, if he can take a grab why on earth not!!

DT Gun

I really wanna see this guy get a gig in the NAB cup cos i cant see him losing too many contests, get Gia around his feet cos he is always gonna bring it to ground


He's just pushing them out more, everyones done that to 'beef' themselves up.

Of course he could smash me into next season, but...give me NAB form, you guys are turning into girls picking a horse on what he looks like at the races.

DT Gun

I picked him because not only is he huge, he tested well in sprint testing and is a great set shot for goal.
Also Bulldogs are trying to fill the hole left by barry hall!

Size isnt everything, but it certainly helps.


85k and a B/F, could be VERY valuable if he is getting games.

The F.A.R.K.

DT gun i never thought i would say this twice

well done