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The Luke Ball Award

Started by Hellopplz, October 05, 2011, 02:04:11 AM

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Justin Bieber

Well received an idea for a new award from an unknown source *cough 1st on Poll *cough. Well he did bring up a good point, we have many users who contribute to the forum but may not have their names out there as much as other more well known users. So why not make an award dedicated to the unsung heroes of the forum? :D.

c4v3m4n is a Chat Mod for those who don't know and he's done quite a job on the forums itself to get the gig with his help and advice :). Not to mention running the Trivia on the forum and holding the 19th AFL team Comp. He did also come up with the Worst Ever Draft (Which like many, didn't get finished :P).
BlueStorm is a helpful user, who focuses in the Association Football boards (A-League). He was a great source of information last season and this season and is always willing to help out.

Any nominees will get a little write up on what they have done but haven't been noticed by many. For those nominating them, feel free to do some yourself :).

roo boys!

Master Q



Justin Bieber

Any miny write ups as I'm still half asleep :P.




Caveman is very deserving of the award not just with the chat mod but with his running of the alf trivia game on the front bar thread.  The game was alot of fun and he must have put alot of effort in it.

You have my vote C4,

sorry RB but everyone knows you, its time for c4 to join RB, NMF and I in the FF roo club



PS. Thanks Holz for the vote.  :)

PPS. Thanks to the other unknown members for voting for me.  :)


Thanks for the nomination BB.

roo boys!

Quote from: Holzman on October 05, 2011, 05:23:37 PM
Caveman is very deserving of the award not just with the chat mod but with his running of the alf trivia game on the front bar thread.  The game was alot of fun and he must have put alot of effort in it.

You have my vote C4,

sorry RB but everyone knows you, its time for c4 to join RB, NMF and I in the FF roo club
Yeah I know :(

c4 gets my vote also.

But hey, I've got two votes ;D
