LaHug's team. Thoughts and what not would be appreciated.

Started by LaHug, May 17, 2011, 06:49:45 PM

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As of the end of Round 8...

Def: Deledio, Gibbs, Adcock, Enright, Goddard, Stanley, Duigan (Lower, Toy, Otten)

Mid: Boyd, Pendlebury, Selwood, Heppell, Liberatore, Krakouer (Curnow, Harris, Bewick)

Ruc: Cox, Petrie (Smith, McCauley)

For: Franklin, Harvey, Chapman, Pavlich, Dawes, Riewoldt, Darling (Tapscott, Matera, Richardson)

Trades left: 16
Cash: $63,200


What I am asking for, however, is some advice on particular ideas.

Over the next few weeks, I want to bring in Goodes, Swan and Suckling. The problem is, how??

This week, I can do any of the following:
1. Curnow --> I. Smith and Tapscott --> Goodes
2. Curnow --> I. Smith and Duigan --> Suckling
3. Duigan --> Puopolo and Curnow --> Goodes

Then next week, I can downgrade someone and upgrade someone else to Swan (not sure who yet and a lot depends on prices).

The problem is, whichever I miss out of Goodes and Suckling will be near impossible to get later without leaving Swan for another week. Is it best to wait two weeks for Swan and hope he doesn't start rising again?
Are there better attack plans?

Thanks for any thoughts!


Option 2 me thinks, you don't really need Goodes as much as you need Suckling. Not a bad team by the way! Just bring in Sandi after this week (or downgrade Petrie and play Smith all year).


I think option 1 is the go.

Tapscott has a high b/e, so he probably should go. Duigan can still make some more coin and isn't scoring that badly.

Place goodes in the midfield for krakouer for this week until you get a full premium midifeld. Goodes is expected to go up roughly the same as suckling, but as it is hawthorn sydney, you would think that goodes will outscore suckling... (and is probably a safer bet)

The following week, you can go lower/duigan depending on b/e > suckling.

The week after, you can move goodes into the forward line and go darling > mzungu and harris to swan. (or something like that)



Quote from: Spite on May 17, 2011, 08:15:04 PM
I think option 1 is the go.

Tapscott has a high b/e, so he probably should go. Duigan can still make some more coin and isn't scoring that badly.

Place goodes in the midfield for krakouer for this week until you get a full premium midifeld. Goodes is expected to go up roughly the same as suckling, but as it is hawthorn sydney, you would think that goodes will outscore suckling... (and is probably a safer bet)

The following week, you can go lower/duigan depending on b/e > suckling.

The week after, you can move goodes into the forward line and go darling > mzungu and harris to swan. (or something like that)
Great idea! What I'm looking for is a way to get Goodes, Suckling and Swan before they go up in price. This looks like a solution! Thank you!!!

Zip and Andrew, not disregarding your opinions, but Spite's way should be at least equally good in terms of price (might cost me a little more) and give me more points over the three weeks.

Any other strategies from helpful people?


Just realised that next week's step would have to be Lower and Duigan --> Rookie (Jacobs or someone) and Suckling. No way I can afford him without it. However, my master plan was already going to take 2 trades per premo (with a safety extra in case), so I'm alright with it.


So... with Smith out, a few things have had to change...

Now I'm thinking:
Lower --> Puopolo and Curnow --> Goodes
Tapscott --> Smith (if named) and Duigan --> Suckling

Any better way to do this?


This week I went Lower --> Puopolo and Curnow --> Goodes.

Now my team is:

Def: Deledio, Gibbs, Adcock, Enright, Goddard, Puopolo, Duigan (Stanley, Toy, Otten)

Mid: Boyd, Pendlebury, Selwood, Heppell, Liberatore, Goodes (Krakouer, Harris, Bewick)

Ruc: Cox, Petrie (Smith, McCauley)

For: Franklin, Harvey, Chapman, Pavlich, Dawes, Riewoldt, Darling (Tapscott, Matera, Richardson)

Trades left: 14
Cash: $83,500


Duigan has a new low B/E but I still want Suckling...
Smith isn't named so I have no downgrade options for Tapscott (unless you consider Breust a good option...)
I can't get Jacobs and suckling without making two changes to my backline...

My only option I can think of would be:
Toy + Otten --> Jacobs + Suckling
That only leaves me with $1600 in the bank. At some stage (when he bottoms out and his thigh is better), I want to bring in Swan with a downgrade/upgrade. Hopefully he bottoms out around his second bye, but the less cash I have left, the harder it'll be to bring him in...

Thoughts on what I can do?


Well I brought in Swan last week thinking it was a good time, and instead he dropped another 20k (however I didn't want to take the risk of not having him so I'm happy either way :P). So you've been rewarded with your patience with Swan.

I'm assuming you ended up getting Suckling from Toy/Otten, and have bugger all cash! The best downgrade option next week will probably still be Mzungu or Smith, so I guess you can choose whether you want to get rid of Tapscott for less money, or perhaps Krak or possibly Libba if they have got close to leveling out in price. If you got rid of both Krak and Libba next week you perhaps be within reach of Swan, but if you downgrade Tapscott to Smith/Mzungu and wait until after his bye,l all of your rookies should be nicely fattened and you can probably make a better choice on who to keep/offload.

Good luck with your league matches :)

P.S. Oh and I've only got 13 trades left, soon to be 12 :(


Thanks for the thoughts. I did go Toy/Otten --> Suckling/Jacobs and now have to think about making money in the future to get my last two midfielders. Slowly getting back from a showerty start.


This week I went Toy --> Jacobs and Otten --> Suckling.

Now my team is:

Def: Deledio, Gibbs, Adcock, Enright, Goddard, Suckling, Duigan (Stanley, Jacobs, Puopolo)

Mid: Boyd, Pendlebury, Selwood, Heppell, Liberatore, Goodes (Krakouer, Harris, Bewick)

Ruc: Cox, Petrie (Smith, McCauley)

For: Franklin, Harvey, Chapman, Pavlich, Dawes, Riewoldt, Darling (Tapscott, Matera, Richardson)

Trades left: 12
Cash: $1,600


you certainly have gone big on the mpp,  i would say though that premium mpp in the midfield is a leak, but yeah your team is close to done just the couple of mids to go. at a glance and without doing the maths, tapscott downgrade libba upgrade, duigan downgrade krackhead/harris upgrade.  swing heppell around with jacobs  "BAM" complete    heppell (7th back) goodes(6th mid) darling(7th forward) plenty of flexibility with mpp and 8 trades left, sweet team to take you to finals


I would say downgrade darling to mzungu, swap mzungu with goodes, upgrade harris/ libba to swan after his bye, leaves you with a complete back, fwd, 2 mig upgrade and one ruck.


Quote from: upthemaidens on May 28, 2011, 06:15:19 AM
you certainly have gone big on the mpp,  i would say though that premium mpp in the midfield is a leak, but yeah your team is close to done just the couple of mids to go. at a glance and without doing the maths, tapscott downgrade libba upgrade, duigan downgrade krackhead/harris upgrade.  swing heppell around with jacobs  "BAM" complete    heppell (7th back) goodes(6th mid) darling(7th forward) plenty of flexibility with mpp and 8 trades left, sweet team to take you to finals
I have full intentions to put Goodes into the forward line the moment using MPP with Mzungu (who I'll bring in next week) in the forward line. That'd shift Darling to the bench which I could possibly use as a downgrade later. The reason for so much MPP is that I thought I could get more out of cash cows that way (such as Darling) without having to be so careful about keeping a good cover for each position. If I need cash, I'll downgrade Darling to Jippett meaning I have Smith as forward cover (by moving Petrie there and bringing Smith onto the field if someone is out).

Quote from: Ziplock on May 28, 2011, 03:08:55 PM
I would say downgrade darling to mzungu, swap mzungu with goodes, upgrade harris/ libba to swan after his bye, leaves you with a complete back, fwd, 2 mig upgrade and one ruck.
Yeah, I'll either go Darling to Mzungu or Tappy to Mzungu. Depends on how much cash I need. I don't feel I need a ruck upgrade as I'm actually quite content with Petrie at the moment. I'll grab Sandi late in the year if Petrie slows down. Unfortunately, with Heppell going to the backs and Goodes going to the forwards, I still need three more mids (been a bit slow on this due to my forwards and backs continually letting me down). Thinking of Swan when he's back after his bye, Mundy, and either Ablett, Mitchell or Montagna (depending on who's in form and affordable). Still got a bit to do but getting there.