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Title and Stars?

Started by LaHug, April 12, 2011, 11:33:12 PM

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I've noticed my title start to change and a lot of you long term FF users have 3, 4 or 5 stars.
I'm assuming that this has to do with how many posts you do (either directly or indirectly) but I was wondering what the deal actually is?
For example, does x number of posts get you an extra star? And is there a list of what these changes are and when they occur?
Just curious, not about to start spamming to get my stars up.


You are correct that posts determine both your title and stars.
Your title will change every 100 (counted) posts that you do up until 1000 posts when you become a coach. Then it changes every 300 posts until you reach veteran coach.
Not sure how many posts you need to do though to get another star, but the max you can get without m0nty assigning you a name is 4. The only people with 5 stars are m0nty, Master Q and Prospector. Not even HP the highest poster on here has 5 stars.
In reality the title and stars really don't mean much to the regular guys on here. We prefer to look at what you post not at what you are called or rank ;)


Well then, I had better get my finger out and start posting stuff that isn't complete and utter crap :P
But in all seriousness, I love how this online community works!
I spend too much time on here though... better get back to my physics report. I wish I was back in high school! Haha


Haha you think you spend too much time on here. I have an exam tomorrow and I am on here haha!


Exams this early in the year? Or is it a midsem?
I'm feeling an all nighter coming on!


Midsem worth 30%. Got another on Friday worth 40%!
I know most of the stuff already so just going over some lecture notes to refresh me of certain features


They are some heavily waited midsems! What uni? And what course? And what majors/subjects?


Yeah we don't have any assignments for these 2 subjects. Just a midsem and final exam!
I'm doing a Bachelor of Health Sciences and USyd. The subjects I am doing this semester are
• Body Systems: Functions and Structure - so about the CVS, Renal System and Respiratory System. This is the exam tomorrow, but it will just be on the CVS
• Neuroscience - Self explanatory what it is about. The Brain and Spinal Cord. This is the exam on Friday
• Biomechanics of Human Movement - Also self explanatory. Got an exam for this next week
• Health, Ethics and the Law - Looks into negligence, consent etc. Had an exam on that last week


Sounds interesting! Good luck for the next few days!


Thanks mate.
Forgot to ask. What do you study? And where?

Justin Bieber

Quote from: LaHug on April 12, 2011, 11:48:14 PM
Well then, I had better get my finger out and start posting stuff that isn't complete and utter crap :P
But in all seriousness, I love how this online community works!
I spend too much time on here though... better get back to my physics report. I wish I was back in high school! Haha
I've got one to do as well. Am I sure I don't know you......

Nice degree there CF!


Quote from: LaHug on April 12, 2011, 11:33:12 PM
I've noticed my title start to change and a lot of you long term FF users have 3, 4 or 5 stars.
I'm assuming that this has to do with how many posts you do (either directly or indirectly) but I was wondering what the deal actually is?
For example, does x number of posts get you an extra star? And is there a list of what these changes are and when they occur?
Just curious, not about to start spamming to get my stars up.

Don't quote me on this but I think only DT and SC boards count towards posts.

0-99 - Bootstudder
100 - Property Steward
200 - Witches Hat Wrangler
300 - Training Scout
400 -  Bench Steward
500 - Ruck Coacg
600 - Back Coach
700 - Midfield Coach
800 - Forward Coach
900 - Coach in Waiting
1000 - Coach*
1300 - Experienced Coach
1600 - Journeyman
1900  Hardened Coach
2500 - Veteran Coach

*If you get to 1000 it unlocks a special board.

Justin Bieber

You are half correct MP. Any Fantasy Sections + Team boards (But not the general AFL board) count towards post count.


Sadly for MP The Front Bar does not count towards posts ;)


Quote from: CrowsFan on April 13, 2011, 12:35:34 AM
Sadly for MP The Front Bar does not count towards posts ;)

Haha me likie likie Front Bar.