AC/DTs first draft

Started by Hawka, January 03, 2011, 11:16:21 PM

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my first attempt at a fanplanner team





20k left

NOTE:i havent rely taken byes into account but wen the season gets closer i will

This is my first team of course there will b tweaks but i think its a preety reasonble effort
rates outa 10 and comments would b appiracted and in return il will comment on urs if i havent  cheers and no spamming thx guys



jks not having sandi is a big risk, IMO rucks should be as strong as possible, expecially as sandi is a fair way above all the other rucks, i would personally also swap out sylvia for sidebottom :P


I find it amusing how you call it a first draft, yet it is version 2 :P


Quote from: valkorum on January 03, 2011, 11:21:32 PM
I find it amusing how you call it a first draft, yet it is version 2 :P
he deleted the first version of his first draft because it went off-topic  ::)


There definitely aren't any major flaws with this team, but since you want comments I'll mention a few minor ones. Firstly, I wouldn't start any more than one midpricer in the midfield - it just seems like too important a position to be taking risks, and in my opinion all midpricers are risky picks. Another issue is that you do have a few early bye clashes - Round 4 in particular will be a problem for you (I did notice you said you would take this more into account later - don't forget it). Finally, I think there are just too many negatives to picking Veszpremi, though admittedly I don't know much about him aside from the fact that he is a medium forward who has only played 9 games in 3 years.



pretty good team although i see a few flaws.
Enright at age 29 he is getting older, but he could still be good but i think their are better options out their.
Sheuy is a little bit injury prone and by my calculations he will be priced roughly around $240k (i think monty gave him a discount that hes not entitled to)
your ruck starters are the same as mine, but i have been thinking is it worth missing out on sandilands.
Brown may miss the first few rounds

Otherwise preety good and i give it about 7.5/10


thx thinkin of getin rid of sheuy
but of course if brown was to miss the first few rnds i wouldnt start him  ;)


yer, i thought you would do that with brown he also isn't going to get much of a preseason.
would you mind rating mine,23647.0.html


I like it, but i see the forward line a bit weak, but i guess u obviously know more bout dt than i do :)
Can u rate mine?,23624.0.html


did urs maanco
gota get of now so wil do urs 2nite bb ;)
thx every1


on the whole i really like the team.....the only two for mine are players and not structure (so purely opinion) is Vespi in your FWD line as others have said and Burgoyne in your mids - I am seeing him in quite a few teams lately and well he just worries me, I think there are safer options for the same cash......
thanks for commenting on my side too.....


Backs - no probs at all, if i wanted to be really picky i could say.... enright is consistent but he is getting old. also he struggled towards the end of last year with the dreaded forward tagg....

Mids - LOVE ITTTTT..... great to see you have the balls to take a punt on shuey and despite what everyone says about burgoyne only being an sc player in dt from 06-09 he averaged.... 91, 80, 86, 80 so he can play the game. also i feel as though the hawks have a very good midfield and burgoyne just adds to that :)

Rucks - nice to see some unique ruckmen in there :)

Forwards - Morton will be a risk but i thyink he is worth it but veszempri.... not so much.

thats all i think about 8.5/10 well done :),23534.0.html
thanks mate :)


i think this is a really good unique team.

backs - good and i like the uniques of enright and hargrave although they are both risks

mids - again i like your uniqueness in burgoyne and shuey however i wouldnt pick them personally

rucks - good solid combo

fwds - very good except for veszpremi


can you give mine a rate and comment - cheers Hally,23597.0.html

