Overall ranking vs League win strategies

Started by j959, December 09, 2010, 08:47:21 PM

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There seem to be two dominant strategies for fantasy AFL - League wins vs Overall ranking.

Seems a lot of people don't feel there is much chance of taking out the overall win so they focus on winning their league for various reasons (beating their mates, cash leagues, etc).

I would have thought you can have a focus on both but possibly damage your chances with either, due to not 'specialising' one way or the other.

Given my pre-disposition at wanting to be a good 'all-rounder' in most things, I'd like to think that I can build a decent team to win a league or two as well as do well in the overall rankings.

What are people’s thoughts on this??

*Nb: yes, i did post this exact same topic in the DT strategy forum  ;)



I want to focus on the overall, and I try at the start of the season, but then I tend to lose focus on that when my ranking is ordinary, so then I focus on the league.

Although I must admit this year might have to be different with the the league beginning in round 1


It isn't so much the team you pick, the higher the score the better in both contexts. It is the ongoing management when the different goals can contradict each other when making a decision.

You might upgrade someone early if you are playing a top side and need to beat them. You might trade out someone who is scoring a zero because you need the score in that particular week, where as the better choice for the overall ranking might be to take the zero and keep the trade. You might keep some trades for the elimination finals when they might best serve your cumulative score to use them early.

There is nothing to say you can't succeed at both, however you need injuries/upgrades/suspensions to sync up nicely and a fair bit of luck. As far as I can tell not super much you can plan for though. At best you can mitigate by selecting players who have good health histories and good tribunal records.


Quote from: ossie85 on December 09, 2010, 09:12:30 PM


It is an interesting topic! ^recently discussed here

I'm a league man myself
Thanks ossie, I did recall seeing that topic though I do want to develop the discussion a bit further such as thoughts on whether you need the most even spread of players from different teams to minimise the effect of byes, beause as I understand even non-league rounds will count to overall scores?

Thanks to Fletch and hawk88 for comments as well.


first year i played i focused on both,absolute waste of time now i only care for leagues


Quote from: j959 on December 10, 2010, 02:53:08 PM
I do want to develop the discussion a bit further such as thoughts on whether you need the most even spread of players from different teams to minimise the effect of byes, beause as I understand even non-league rounds will count to overall scores?

For league definitely.

As far as I am aware there hasn't been confirmation one way or the other as to whether non-league rounds will could to the overall score. However assuming they do count your best bet would still be an even spread.  Your score is based on the 22 you put up each week (including non-league weeks) so the ability to have 22 players playing each week is critical. The better the 22 the better obviously.

The only difference between focusing on league vs overall if non-league rounds count is don't load up on players from clubs who have byes in the non-league rounds, which would obviously be advantageous for league.


I'm assuming the guy who won the overall comp probably won his league as well.
And was also discussed here:
Personally, can't see that much value in a league win against mates for a few hundred dollars (leauges in the 000's may be different), or leagues for beer (mates just shout each other beers), or for bragging rights - just do that through real sporting events.


People do it for fun, not value in cash. Most people play fantasy for recreation, not the pay day. Even players who play for overall play for fun, to see how high they can get, compete against themselves and be ranked against others. If you play to win overall for the cash, then as far as I can tell there is only one outcome which would mean success and that is first place. Anything else would be a failure. I know if I was ranked second I would be over the moon.

I am very sure the person who won overall won their league. That isn't the point. The point is that there are decisions that most people will face through out the season that will either be advantageous to one but potentially harmful to the other.

Justin Bieber

Absolutely hawk. I play for the fun of it and take my mind away from the stress of school and other stuff.

Of course I suck, but try to do well and go with a few risky moves to have fun :P.


i went for the best possible overall this year and ended runners up in my main league


yep hawk is on the money,i live in balibago angeles city philippines where i have more than 100 gogo bars within 2km & several from 50 meters from my apartment,but i need more & having 37 fantasy teams spread over sc,dt,fox & sportal salary cap & team base fills a major void in the life of a retired 42yo.Couldnt give a flying whatever for overall.


Quote from: jimmytigs on December 11, 2010, 09:43:55 PM
yep hawk is on the money,i live in balibago angeles city philippines where i have more than 100 gogo bars within 2km & several from 50 meters from my apartment,but i need more & having 37 fantasy teams spread over sc,dt,fox & sportal salary cap & team base fills a major void in the life of a retired 42yo.Couldnt give a flying whatever for overall.
with all those teams jimmy, surely one could be geared for the assault on the overall win??  ;)