benjy251090's Supercoach ideas 2011: Volume 1: BACKS

Started by benjy251090, September 01, 2010, 09:35:09 PM

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Benjy251090’s Supercoach thoughts for Backs of 2011
For my Supercoach team of 2011, I will only want to have 1 player from each team in any line (except maybe Rookies) at the start. This is part 1 of the 4 part series that I will get around to eventually.

This will be my back structure, the players will be chosen depending on the availability of Malceski/Waters/Kennelly type players this year as well the different Rookies named. Also some players I name in certain areas should be named in others, but as I currently don’t know prices, it could change. I will also want at least one MPP for MID/BACKs and FWD/BACKs. I am basing my Mid Pricers at roughly 350K:

  • Super Premium/Premium
  • Premium
  • Premium/Cheap Premium
  • Cheap Premium
  • Mid Priced (around 350K)/Returner from Injury
  • Mid Priced (around 350K)/Returner from Injury/Rookie
  • Mid Priced (around 350K)/Returner from Injury/Rookie
  • (Rookie, Rookie, Rookie)

Super Premiums
The ‘Super Premiums’ are players that will cost over 600K after averaging over 110 in 2010. These are the players that you must have at least 1 or 2 of, not necessarily at the start of the season, but by the end they are a must have.

Brendan Goddard (STK) - $691,700

  • Number 1 average player of 2010
  • Accurate kick
  • Complete utility

Luke Hodge (HAW) - $618,600

  • Number 2 back man 2010
  • Accurate kick
  • Complete utility

The ‘Premium’ players will cost between about 475K and 600K, averaging between 90 and 110 for season 2010. These players are the consistent performers week in, week out and can’t go wrong with any of them.

Brian Lake (WBD) - $555,300

  • Takes a lot of marks from opponents
  • Generally accurate kick
  • Can get forward and kick goals

Graham Johncock (ADE) - $538,200

  • Generally accurate kick
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Good Run off Half Back

James Kelly (GEE) - $526,300

  • Generally accurate kick
  • Often runs through the midfield

Darren Milburn (GEE) - $524,400

  • Good Run off Half Back
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Generally accurate kick
  • Often runs through the midfield
  • Getting old

Greg Broughton (FRE) - $523,700

  • Generally accurate kick
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Good Run off Half Back

Corey Enright (GEE) - $521,200

  • Generally accurate kick
  • Often runs through the midfield
  • A lot of Contested Possession and long kicks
  • Can get tagged out of the game

Dustin Fletcher (ESS) - $512,800

  • Only 4 100’s but only once under 80
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Long kick ins, generally to targets
  • Getting old

Nick Malceski (SYD) - $512,000

  • Generally accurate kick
  • Gets a few marks covering the space and in ‘Junk Time’
  • Impeded by a forward tag second half of the season

Heath Scotland (CAR) - $503,300

  • Good Run off Half Back
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Generally accurate kick
  • Often runs through the midfield

Lindsay Gilbee (WBD) - $498,500

  • Generally accurate kick
  • Often runs through the midfield
  • Can get tagged out of the game

Chris Newman (RIC) - $492,200

  • Good run off half back
  • Accurate kick
  • Often runs through the midfield
  • In a team on the rise

Sam Gilbert (STK) - $491,700

  • Gets a few marks covering the space and in ‘Junk Time’
  • Generally accurate kick
  • Clangers occasionally
  • Can get tagged out of the game

Josh Drummond (BRI) - $486,300 (Should get a 20% discount taking his price to $389,000)

  • If he gets his body right he will star
  • Long, accurate kick
  • Good run off half back

Sam Fisher (STK) - $484,000

  • Gets a few marks covering the space and in ‘Junk Time’
  • Generally accurate kick
  • Clangers on the odd occasion
  • Can get tagged out of the game

Nathan Grima (NTH) - $483,600

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • A lot of contested possession

Paul Duffield (FRE) - $481,900

  • Good Run off Half Back
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Generally accurate kick
  • Often runs through the midfield

Heath Shaw (COL) - $479,100

  • Good Run off Half Back
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Generally accurate kick
  • Can get tagged out of the game

Cheap Premiums   
The ‘Cheap Premiums’ are the players who will cost between 350K and 475K averaging between 70 and 90 in 2010. These are often players who were premium players the year before and averaged a lot less than the season before or they have taken a step forward and will be looking to increase their average again next year.

Heath Grundy (SYD) - $474,400

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • Added bonus of MPP FWD/BACK

Troy Chaplin (PTA) - $469,500

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • A lot of contested possession

Jack Grimes (MEL) - $467,400

  • Good Run off Half Back
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Generally accurate kick
  • Injury prone, one of his 2 games under was due to hamstring in 2nd quarter

Jarrad Waite (CAR) - $466,300

  • Key Position Player
  • Susceptible to injury and suspension
  • Often plays up front and kicks goals
  • Accurate kick
  • Added bonus of MPP FWD/BACK

Harry Taylor (GEE) - $462,600

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • A lot of contested possession

Jordan Russell (CAR) - $461,400

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • A lot of contested possession

Brad Symes (ADE) - $460,100

  • Generally accurate kick
  • Often runs through the midfield, especially now with many of the Adelaide Veterans retiring
  • Very injury prone

Jarrod Harbrow (WBD) - $453,900

  • Good Run off Half Back
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Generally accurate kick
  • Possibly going to Gold Coast

Shannon Hurn (WCE) - $449,300

  • Good Run off Half Back
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Generally accurate kick
  • Often runs through the midfield

Bachar Houli (ESS) - $442,900 (Should get a 20% or 30% discount, assuming it is 30% he will be $310,000)

  • Runs through the mids and off half back
  • Is a gamebreaker
  • At the price he will be, he will need to get regular games before I pick him up

Nathan Bock (GCS) - $441,600

  • Good Run off Half Back even though he plays as a tall back
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Generally accurate kick
  • Injury prone
  • Will be at the Gold Coast so could be a flop or an amazing coaching decision

Brent Guerra (HAW) - $436,900

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • A lot of contested possession

Beau Waters (WCE) - $436,200

  • Good Run off Half Back
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Clangers occasionally or ineffective bringing down his score but does get a lot of possessions
  • Sometimes plays up front off Half Forward

Scott Stevens (ADE) - $427,000

  • Runs off Half Back
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Inaccurate kick occassionally
  • A lot of contested possession

Grant Birchall (HAW) - $421,800

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • A lot of contested possession

James Frawley (MEL) - $421,800

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • A lot of contested possession

Tadhg Kennelly (SYD) - $420,500

  • Generally accurate kick
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Good Run off Half Back

Michael Johnson (FRE) - $418,900

  • Utility player
  • Accurate kick
  • Can kick goals
  • Second ruck to Sandilands if Bradley doesn’t play

Andrew Carrazzo (CAR) - $416,200

  • Clangers or kicks inneffectivly
  • Got a lot of ball 2009 but played a run-with role in 2010
  • Plays through the midfield, up front and down back

Jason Gram (STK) - $411,200

  • Generally accurate kick
  • Injury interrupted season
  • Plays through the midfield, up front and down back

Josh Gibson (HAW) - $408,900

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • Low average because of a 5 he scored after tearing his hamstring causing him to miss 11 weeks
  • A lot of contested possession

Paul Bower (CAR) - $407,500

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • Very injury prone
  • A lot of contested possession

Lewis Roberts-Thomson (SYD) - $396,800

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • A lot of contested possession

Leigh Brown (COL) - $395,800

  • Utility player
  • Average kick
  • Can kick goals
  • Second ruck to Jolly

Nick Maxwell (COL) - $380,900

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • A lot of contested possession

Rhyce Shaw (SYD) - $373,000

  • Generally accurate kick
  • Get a few marks covering the space
  • Should be a good price after a poor 2010, was one of the highest priced backmen of 2010 at  the start but for his price could be good
  • Good Run off Half Back

Mid Priced
The ‘Mid Priced’ players averaged up to 70 for 2010. These are usually the 3rd or 4th year players who will be looking to take the next step forward or they have moved clubs and needed to take time to get into their new clubs system.

Michael Hurley (ESS) - $368,700

  • Key Position Player
  • A lot of marks from opposition kicks
  • Accurate kick
  • Should have a better season this season
  • Added bonus of MPP FWD/BACK (may get him up front so I can get Houli in defence)

Jed Adcock (BRI) - $363,500 (Should get a 10% discount taking his price to $327,200)

  • Should be cheap for what he can do
  • Long, penetrating kick
  • Runs through the midfield often
  • Injury prone

Lachie Henderson (CAR) - $349,900

  • Key Position Player
  • Often plays up front and kicks goals
  • Shall have a better season as it is his second with the Blues
  • Added bonus of MPP FWD/BACK

Scott Selwood (WCE) - $364,700

  • Slow start to the season but picked it up second half
  • Plays a run with role in the midfield, up front or down back
  • Should be around 350K so could be decent if low on cash

Adam McPhee (FRE) - $343,700

  • Plays a run with role
  • Plays all over the ground
  • Can be an X-Factor player if gets some consistency
  • Added bonus of MPP FWD/BACK

Xavier Clarke (BRI) â€" Unknown as not sure how they will take his 9 average

  • I am going to put him here as I have no idea where he could go
  • Very injury interrupted season
  • Managed 1 game for 9 Supercoach points before mothballing
  • If he has a good preseason and is very cheap, he will be one of my first picked as he is also MPP MID/BACK

Returner from Injury or Year off
The ‘Returner from Injury or Year off’ players did not play a game in season 2010. These are players that did well in 2009 but did not play in 2010 for different reasons.

Jordan McMahon (RIC) - $427,600 (assuming a 50% discount he will be $213,800)

  • I don’t know why he didn’t play in 2010
  • Solid previous seasons for both Richmond and Western Bulldogs
  • Runs of Half Back and in the Midfield
  • Should be roughly 250K if he plays next season which could be a good price if he plays and hits form again
  • Will definitely be watching him in the off season

Andy Otten (ADE) - $403,900 (assuming a 50% discount he will be $202,000)

  • Had a good 2009 but did his ACL in the pre-season
  • Will take Bock’s position in running off half back in a tall back role
  • I went to school with him and he ran through the midfield and was named as a midfielder in his first year

Beau Dowler (HAW) - $331,800 (assuming a 50% discount he will be $165,900)

  • Played all season in the VFL and got named in the best several times according to Hellopplz
  • His last couple of games were fairly good in 2009 but is no superstar
  • If he gets games, could be good for roughly 150K or less after the discount
  • MPP for FWD/BACK

The ‘Rookies’ are first year players for 2011 so will be cheap. These are the only rookies I know of at the moment.

Michael Coad (GCS)

  • I don’t know much about him
  • M0nty has named him at CHB for Round 1 but now with Bock there he may not be
  • Mature age means mature body

Karmichael Hunt (GCS)

  • Marquee player at the Suns so should play most games
  • Not sure if he will play back or forward
  • Also not sure if he will be MPP for FWD/BACK
  • Not sure how well he will score as he will have sloppy skills

Sam Iles (GCS)

  • Not 100% on whether he will play, depending on who they sign
  • Played a handful of games for Collingwood
  • Tall back as played on Ablett against Geelong a few seasons ago

Josh Toy (GCS)

  • Solid frame
  • Highly respected junior
  • Utility player
  • Might be MPP, not sure which ones as he is said to play midfield, backs and forwards

Trent McKenzie (GCS)

  • Don't know much about the kid but Rob has mentioned his existance
  • Booming kick as apparantly could kick a ball 50m when he was 10
  • Quote from RobsOverAchieverss:

    • Trent was taken by the Gold Coast Football Club as one of twelve 17 year olds the club could pre-list as part of their draft concessions upon entering the AFL competition.
    • Trent had a terrific season with the Western Jets in 2009, whilst also showing impressive form with Vic Metro in the U/18 National Championships which justified his pre selection with the Gold Coast.
    • Trent’s disposal coupled with his explosive speed, and height will make him crucial for Gold Coast’s on field success in the VFL this year.
  • From this, we can see he may be a good prospect

Prospective Back Line-up

This is my first look at a backline in full, Rookies will come later when we get full details of them. The players in bold are locks unless injured and the ones underlined are almost certainties unless they are too expensive to fit in. I may need some more rookies but that will depend on the availability of them up back, but there may be a couple of Gold Coast Players who have had a year out of the game that could be reasonably cheap as well.

Back 1: Brendan Goddard (STK)
Back 2: James Kelly (GEE)
Back 3: Nathan Bock (GCS)
Back 4: Jarrad Waite (CAR)
Back 5: Bachar Houli (ESS)
Back 6: Andy Otten (ADE)
Back 7: Xavier Clarke (BRI)
Back 8: Rookie
Back 9: Rookie
Back 10: Rookie

Any suggestions or comments, whether they are negative or positive, will be much appreciated. Over the next few weeks I will be releasing my thoughts on Rucks, Forwards and Mids.

EDIT: I have added my estimate at player’s prices for next year (using last year’s magic number of 5311).



haha, i have done 1400 words of it, this was started just after the end of season in bits and pieces, i went 200 words of human rights, 30 mins of this as my break or went and watched tv, what do you think of it though?


Quote from: benjy251090 on September 01, 2010, 10:03:19 PM
haha, i have done 1400 words of it, this was started just after the end of season in bits and pieces, i went 200 words of human rights, 30 mins of this as my break or went and watched tv, what do you think of it though?
I will reply tommorow arvo mate is that kool? my mrs is MAKING me watch million matchmaker (don't ask) But look good cant wait to go through it tommorow, and if you have spare spots in one of your leagues next year i will join!!


haha, unlucky, but any time with the mrs is good time, and i am usually in just a family friend league which has every spot taken, next year i might be in a cash league with friends from high school, but i am assuming we can get together a league for fanfooty goers :D


cheers Benjy, great insight and a mammoth effort.

Will be interesting to see how your end product ends up!


Quote from: benjy251090 on September 01, 2010, 10:10:14 PM
haha, unlucky, but any time with the mrs is good time, and i am usually in just a family friend league which has every spot taken, next year i might be in a cash league with friends from high school, but i am assuming we can get together a league for fanfooty goers :D
Yeah i agree good work will comment tommorow but you have to add my mates brother Trent McKenizie kids a gun from the western Jets, when he was 10 he could kick the ball 50 metres, plays for the Gold Coast.


Quote from: RobsOverAchieverss on September 01, 2010, 10:39:19 PM
Quote from: benjy251090 on September 01, 2010, 10:10:14 PM
haha, unlucky, but any time with the mrs is good time, and i am usually in just a family friend league which has every spot taken, next year i might be in a cash league with friends from high school, but i am assuming we can get together a league for fanfooty goers :D
Yeah i agree good work will comment tommorow but you have to add my mates brother Trent McKenizie kids a gun from the western Jets, when he was 10 he could kick the ball 50 metres, plays for the Gold Coast.
cheers, will add him, any other details about him other than a booming kick? i am really open to any rookies at the moment but josh toy looks like a lock, especially if he is MPP

and thanks sam, it will be interesting, so many choices, rucks will be out next, probably on the weekend after i finish the essay due on friday :(


Trent was taken by the Gold Coast Football Club as one of twelve 17 year olds the club could pre-list as part of their draft concessions upon entering the AFL competition.

Trent had a terrific season with the Western Jets in 2009, whilst also showing impressive form with Vic Metro in the U/18 National Championships which justified his pre selection with the Gold Coast.

Trent’s disposal coupled with his explosive speed, and height will make him crucial for Gold Coast’s on field success in the VFL this year.


Justin Bieber

You've given away some of my watchlisted mid pricers :(. Oh well. ALways more to find :P.

Dowler wasn't injured this year. Played VFL for the majority of it and featured in the best at times and kicked a few goals. Used as both a forward and back. Just didn't get a call up :'(.

P.S Great list benjy. Will help alot of us out :D.


cheers HP

yeah, i hadnt heard much of him this year, and as i said, could be good if he gets games ;)


Fantastic benjy!

Unfortunately I reckon Hodge or Goddard or both won't be classified as backs next year :(


i know what you mean, but then again gibbs and deledio might be classified as MID/BACKS

what i like about fanfooty is that it can be modified ;)


Yeah, I have my eye on Deledio next year. Could be the Hodge of 2011