Heres my team

Started by MissPies, March 26, 2010, 07:17:34 PM

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Here yas go, I have also put up my DT rant away, banter away....go for it :)

just click the pic


is that really your team or is this another make believe one just to get your post count up a bit more?


Quote from: Pravis on March 26, 2010, 07:31:34 PM
is that really your team or is this another make believe one just to get your post count up a bit more?

I couldn't care less about post counts to be honest, I don't even think about it. I just enjoy the board a lot I guess. Although I won't be posting while the games are on lol, if that helps you at all  :)

Yes it is my Team


Ok then...

Backs: Its unique, I think Kennelly has a higher ceiling then Grundy and it will save you some dollars. I'm going to assume you didn't get your Hunts from Geelong mixed up? If you didn't, i cant see T.Hunt getting many if any games. Starting Maguire may hurt as well. But hey, i've had to start Waters cos i had no choice so it maybe hypocritical of me to say that.

Center: Gutsy holding onto Judd for so long, but you may find saving a trade to be more valuable then just trading in someone else at round 4. More power to you for it. Robinson was risky because he had a stellar preseason last year and a decent 3 or 4 matches then went missing for the rest of the season, although Ratten had big wraps on him this year. No Barlow and No Martin is questionable, and Redden may have a really good season this year...according to Voss he will. Armi scores wont be that consistent and his TOG is going to hurt his chances as well. And finally NO GAJ, he is a SC specialist.

Rucks: Pretty solid, im not to sure about Grimley though.

Forward: I don't know how Gia will go, he is not traditionally a SC player. But his tackling has picked up in the preseason which will boost his score as well. Betts is also risky...sure he scored well last night but thats against Richmond...You'll know if it was a good move next week against Brisbane. Peterson can go either way but Molly has a hard on for him which is probably a good sign. I really like Warren as a selection, i think he will play that half back role that Krakour played last year so his score should increase.

Overall: Its obvious you were going for uniqueness, and more power to you. But i think you have gone over board by trying to be too different. This may hurt you really bad...but man if your side fires look will be laughing all the way to the bank. Now NO GAJ, when this bloke scores 200+ and he will. You will most likely be playing someone that has him as there capt and you will be trying to catch up those 200 - 300 points for the rest of the round, in short its probably a certain loss. This side will either make you a guineas or a big Nuff Nuff.



Thanks for the feedback you make some good points there.
I wasn't trying to be unique at all, just wanted to go with those players, some I will stick with and others for the cash which I will later exchange for other players.

Master Q

Quote from: MissPies on March 27, 2010, 08:48:52 AM
Thanks for the feedback you make some good points there.
I wasn't trying to be unique at all, just wanted to go with those players, some I will stick with and others for the cash which I will later exchange for other players.
Gulp, that doesn't make it any better ;D


So? This is my first year in SC I am still comprehending the rules....get over it

Justin Bieber

its different. hope the different picks pull out big seasons for you.

got no ablett either, so doesn't neccasarily make your team bad.

for all that hate to the tigers (hoping the blues beat them) roo junior and nahas in seems suprising. both look to be good up and coming picks but why all the hate to the tigers on the other board? ;D

i was picking either roo junior or kennedy from the eagles to have a massive year this year. didn't back either in sc but kennedy in dt.